Author's Note

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Hey y'all.... Another story has ended and this is so far the 3rd story out of all the 7 stories that debuted in 2020 and I am so sad that this story already ended...... The way that 2AM Feels really had a rollercoaster ride when it comes to producing ideas for the story and it was always fun to make until I realized how hype it was more in the final season but I have no choice to end because I really think that despite of many ideas coming to my mind for its 4th season, it will just ruin how cool this story was so I better end it as what was really planned.... this story didn't give me the deepest emotions as it ended but it was still sad because this story has a lot of iconic characters that I didn't expect to be. I did not even know that Trenton will grow that big like Martin, Caliber and Jayson... the way that Trenton started off as Martin's sidekick and even when I started planning Trenton and Jayson coming together as a couple, Trenton's character build up wasn't because of Jayson but its really because of himself.... besides Trenton, Jayson is also that favorite character of ours which undergone such growth in his character but it is cool that despite of him being a protagonist that sounds like an antagonist to Caliber personally, Jayson was that character that wasn't hate-able..... Besides those side couple, of course, who will forget Martin and Caliber... I think that Martin and Caliber had the smoothest love story or if not, one of the smoothest out of all the love stories I ever made because it wasn't like other stories that had little hate then more love or full of love at all. This story was really sign of growth and in the span of 3 seasons, Martin and Caliber remained that relevant to the storyline itself and it was never boring for them..... I am really going to miss this story because this really shows how people are the reason why you are who you are, whether it is a bad thing or a good thing, there will always be somebody who makes you, you.... we know Caliber started out as a popular but messed up character and the way Martin loved the idea of him being a mess slowly tied the both of them together..... the way that Martin was really the one who built up Caliber's confidence makes him affected everytime Caliber falls down because that was a sign that they were always meant to be together.. even Caliber himself who was unaware about how Martin changed his life slowly realizes that he only slows down and let his guard down only if he is with Martin and he slowly got better and better and he got to know the person who was always there for him, the person who believed in him when he was a mess and the person who still looked and enjoy his presence even at the times he was popular and still messed up, Martin was always there for Caliber and this shows that somebody will always love you and enjoy any moments with you whether it is a positive one or a negative, there will be one martyr in your life that is ready to build you when you fall and that is what Martin was to Caliber.... and the concept about meeting somebody you don't know online until it turns out to be somebody that you always wanted to be close at made a very cool plot at the beginning and besides, that is the main point, plot and the beginning of Martin and Caliber's story, despite of not knowing that they were the ones talking to each other, they still had this feeling of attachment already which led them to come close and close especially at the times that they need each other the most.... just like this main lovers, Trenton and Jayson also showed how much feelings can control us and despite of how worse can feelings get, what we feel is valid and doing thing because of your feelings are another thing which is the one that we must be responsible of.... Trenton and Jayson also had a twisted adventure as lovers but they finally got the love that they all deserve, Trenton's love for Jayson and Jayson's missing love that was once from Martin that is now shown by Trenton.... Uno also represented the idea of intense feelings that will also remain valid because actions are a different thing and there are some things that we should not rage too much. Besides those characters, I will also miss Tori and Cleo because we all know that these two girls also had drama to one another at the early seasons and if they never made up, it might have been a struggle up to this season when it comes to handling both lovers because Cleo was there for Caliber and Martin and Tori was there for everybody especially for Trenton and Jayson..... they are really the two girls that everybody must have. But! it cannot be a promising girl squad without Reese, the aggressive and funny one because we can all agree that she was an all around girl whose classy and protective for her friends.... Her main plot in the series to have a love story to Prescott but she really killed being more of a best friend to Martin and that makes her character shines... I will also miss Cedrick who had a little drama with Caliber but made amends at the end as Caliber lets his guard down completely for everybody and I really do wish that Cedrick had more exposure but being the never giving up friend makes him a very genuine friend to Caliber and everybody.... finally, I am so proud that I added Hannah and Connor to the story and I was nervous that their character will not build up but Connor is what we all know the reason why Martin and Jayson had to break up but he wasn't there as a destruction to the once couple but he is the reason why Jayson and Martin realized and discovered their bond as cousins... I really wished that if this story had a 4th season, Connor will have a partner too but it is now up to you, Connor is pretty hot anyway and finally, we had Hannah which progressed better as an antagonist compare to Uno because I have to admit that Hannah's character in the story was unnecessary until she killed and made a big impact in giving peace in this final season which brought the story to its end.... Hannah was really that girl who was manipulated by her friend but she was so vulnerable and also passionate about what she wants which made her one of the best characters of this season... I am really going to miss all the characters of this story because they were an adventure and I hope that someday, I find an idea how to reopen their lives because like we all know, they are now jumping to their new chapter of their own lives and they will start again that seems like the beginning of the previous one, the 2AM Feelings and from now on, it is up to you to continue their twisted fun story and I hope that if you stay up at 2AM, you will remember every moments of Martin and Caliber... so once again, always remember that your feelings shows who you really are and you are entitled to your own emotions but always remind yourself that actions are another thing that we must be responsible about because all the people around you will take effect. But look into the brighter side, what matter is the good feelings we feel like what Martin and Caliber always felt for each other... so guys, I do not want to keep this any longer, this has been 2AM Feels and I hope you find your ShhKeepThisASecret soon and like any other online platforms, there is a time that we should sign off.

Once again, this has been 2AM Feels and thank you for tuning in this story.... Love has finally been found and love has been felt. Now tell me what is your 2AM Feels. Martin and Caliber knows its your turn and always remember to recognize your feelings! ❤

This is 2AM Feels and we are signing off!


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