Episode 51 : Breaking The Confidence

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It is now a monday morning, at Caliber's home, Prescott and Cedrick were there waiting for Caliber... at the living room.....

Caliber: (puts his jerseys in the bag) so guys..... what did you all do yesterday? I hope coach accepted the way I did not attend the practice and training yesterday......
Prescott: ugh Caliber?
Caliber: why?
Prescott: (looks nervous at Cedrick) coach wants to meet you in his office later....
Caliber: what? about what? the way I did not attend?
Cedrick: bro.... I think it is better that he tells you instead of us....
Caliber: (feels confused) (freaks out a little) guys..... can you tell me already please? I do not know how to feel about this...
Cedrick: (holds Caliber's shoulder) Caliber... it is better if he tells you but one thing you'd promise me.....
Caliber: (annoyingly pushes Cedrick) (feels pissed) (cuts off Cedrick) you know what? whatever! fucking whatever..... (about to leave)
Cedrick: do not let this affect your relationship with Martin....
Prescott: we do not want you to....
Caliber: (looks nervous and confused at Cedrick and Prescott) (in his mind) what are they talking about?

It is now afternoon and in school, Jayson, Connor, Cleo, Reese, Tori, Trenton and Martin were walking in the hallway together.......

Martin: (looks at the people talking about him)
Jayson: (holds Martin's hand) Martin... we are here for you... I know this school is very politically correct and I never think you did a disgrace.....
Martin: (shakes his head) I am not concerned about me Jayson.... to be honest, I would accept any punishment for this... and for Caliber.... (looks down sadly) and he is what I am concerned about..
Cleo: I really never trusted that Hannah at the first place.... I knew she will mess and sneak to us up!
Tori: I do not think Hannah is involved....
Cleo: but I saw them together... we both know that the video was from them sneaking and filming Caliber and Martin.....
Tori: and Hannah was with us so she cannot be involved.....
Reese: (looks sadly at Martin) but Martin... whatever happens, we will fight for you, right guys?
Trenton: (sadly looks at Martin)
Connor: you know I am a nice guys Martin but we will face these stuffs together and I will fight for whoever hurts you...
Jayson: same thing..... (smiles)

While the friends are hanging out alone, at the coach's office, Caliber was there talking with his coach....

Coach: (feels pissed) I cannot believe that you would engage to these types of issue.....
Caliber: sir... we are not doing anything bad and... I do not think of this as an issue?!
Coach: but it is Caliber! I will never allow people like you in my team again.... I do not want any disgrace to my team!
Caliber: (clenches his fists) (tears falls on his face) admit it sir, I was the one who brought up this school's name into the sport's fame and you are going to take me out just because I am dating Martin!
Coach: you really still tough huh? (shakes his head) nothing may change and you will always be Caliber....
Caliber: I will always be coach! I will always be...
Coach: (grabs Caliber's jerseys from the bag) yes Caliber! you will always be that stupid asshole Caliber who only rose to fame because of basketball...... and you are nothing without this! (shows Caliber his jersey)
Caliber: sir! not my jersey!!! (feels panicking)
Coach: what jersey?! (rips off Caliber's jersey) your life will crumble into pieces Caliber..... and you wanted this so go and live in this... 
Caliber: (triggers his panic) (cries hard) (clenches his fists) fuck!!! (walks away) (slams the door angrily) (left)

Back at the hallway......

*Cedrick and Prescott approaches Martin and the others*
Cedrick: Martin..... I was trying to save you and Caliber because I know that is your concern but... he doesn't listen...
Tori: Cedrick... do not sound as if you are traumatizing Martin... it is not helping....
Prescott: we are not... we are just readying and strengthening Martin because Tori.... we all know that Caliber might trigger his anger.....
Tori: (feels nervous) and even if he loves people, he doesn't saint anybody....
Martin: (feels panic) guys... (covers his ears) no... he won't be mad at me.... he will not.... (shakes his head) he has change right??
Jayson: (hugs Martin) Martin... calm down... we are here.....
Caliber: (passes the hallway)
Reese: (notices Caliber) there is Caliber!
Martin: (walks and follows Caliber) Caliber? Caliber?
Caliber: (keeps walking) (feels pissed) not now Martin...
Martin: (holds Caliber's hamd) Caliber.... please!
Caliber: (lets go of his hand away from Martin) Martin... please stop for a while... just for this day...
Martin: (stops sadly at Caliber)
Caliber: (left)
Martin: (feels emotionally in pain) (stares sadly at Martin)
*Connor, Trenton and Jayson approaches Martin*
Connor: Martin... I do not think it is time to conclude what you think it is......
Jayson: Connor is somehow right..... why not give him little time and if he doesn't give you a chance tomorrow... then go do what you have to do....
Trenton: (hugs Martin) we are here Martin....
Martin: (sadly looks at Trenton) (remembers something)

A flashback shows the time Caliber forgot to acknowledge Martin after the film they made... at the auditorium.....

Martin: (looks at Caliber and Prescott running away) and there goes him.. (looks down sadly) building his confidence like I told him too.... (takes a deep breath)
Trenton: (hugs Martin) (feels sad) bro... I am so sorry...
Martin: (breaks out an cries)

Back at present...

Martin: (break out and cries)
*everyone hugs Martin*
Uno: (peeks at Martin crying with his friends) (in his mind) and there goes Caliber ruining his confidence and it is also because of you Martin..... because of you!!!

It is now nighttime, at Caliber's home, Caliber was there drinking sadly alone.......

Caliber: (keeps crying) (looks at the beer cans he drank) (throws his beer bottle angrily) fuck!!! I am fucking a mess again..... (throws the table away) why?!! (punches the sofa angrily and sadly) why all of this is happening?!!

Are you ready for the final episodes of this story. 9 last episodes so please stay with us to make Caliber and Martin stay!

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