Episode 42 : Help Gone Wrong

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It is now tuesday and at Trenton's home, Trenton was there at the front yard talking seriously with the landlord......

Landlord: (looks annoyed at Trenton) you know what Trenton.... I am so tired with all of your excuses like what the hell!!!
Trenton: (looks down sadly) I really cannot pay these stuffs today... I am really sorry....
Landlord: and yeah, I memorized that line of yours for such a fucking long time and I am not giving you a chance this time.... your charm will not work......
Trenton: (bites his lips) (feels stressed) can I now go to school?
Landlord: stop me with that innocence Trenton.... or maybe... (touches Trenton's shoulders) pay me in another way....
Trenton: (shakes himself away from the landlord) (feels nervous) no.... (shakes his head)
Jayson: (approaches the front yard) (sees a person arguing with Trenton) who the fuck is this?! Trenton?! is he hurting you? (notices the landlord touching Trenton) (approaches and punches the landlord hardly)
Landlord: (falls to the ground) what the hell!!
Trenton: oh no!! (eyes widens at Jayson attacking the landlord) what are you doing Jayson?!
Jayson: I saw him harassing you! are you happy with that?!
Trenton: (pushes Jayson away) he was not... he was making me pay my bills for this home cause he is the landlord and look what you have done!!
Jayson: (stares angrily at the landlord) and I know where this goes when you do not pay the price.....
Landlord: (stands up) (feels angry) we both know what will happen stupid!! (screams) I am taking out all of his stuffs....
Trenton: (cries hard) (holds the landlord) sir... please, I am begging you... give me another chance.....
Landlord: (shakes his head) not anymore Trenton.. (stares angrily at Jayson) and you seem to be rich in friends to not pay a rent.... (left)
Trenton: (clenches his fists)
Jayson: (feels guilty) Trenton.... I am really sorry...
Trenton: sorry?! well, fuck it!! (pushes Jayson away) look who is going to be homeless soon!! you ruined my life Jayson and I am both guilty and confident in saying that.... you just made my normal life very complicated all of the sudden..... (looks sadly at his house) I am already fucking hopeless and soon I will be homeless.... (left)
Jayson: (looks concerned at Trenton) Trenton! (feels pissed) (screams angrily) shit!! what have I done!!!

It is now afternoon and at school, Trenton spent his lunch with Cleo, Tori and Cedrick.....

Cedrick: that is really sad.... if only I was a millionaire, I could help you with these stuffs.....
Tori: that is overacting Cedrick.... you do not have to be a millionaire to help your friends..... but yeah, I really wish I still had the budget for this month but... we are in the middle of the month and... I am guilty spending my money in... ya know....
Trenton: (feels sad) (lies his head on the table) it is fine... I do not want to bother people....
Tori: but we are already bothered... Trenton, your pain is our pain and that is why we have been here with you...... to sit with you until you are okay...
Tori: yeah and... I hope we go back with Martin cause... he seems to miss you so much.....
Trenton: honestly.... Martin is out of this problem and I am not mad at him for Jayson being obsessed with him.... and I really also miss Martin but... I cannot approach him right now because they are together.... and just like what happened, Jayson added another anger to my heart for being the reason why I am going to be homeless soon.. I do not know when will that stupid harrassing landlord take my stuffs out but... I am scared....
Tori: he harrassed you?!
Cedrick: why not ask Martin for some little money.....
Trenton: that is not a good idea... Martin has been a saint to me and I do not want to demand, I only accept if it comes from him truly.....
Tori: why not live with Martin... you know how much Martin is happy everytime you sleep with him in his house.... like before Caliber, before Jayson or Connor... you were the only boy best friend he had..... he would love to have you with him..
Trenton: where? there is Connor.... there is... there is Caliber probably staying there... then there is Jayson.....
Tori: no Trenton... we will ask Martin about you.. and he wants to hear about you.....
Trenton: Tori... please don't....... just bot....
Cleo: too late baby boy... (winks)
Trenton: (raises his eyebrows)

It is now night..... at Martin's home, the cousins were having dinner with Caliber, Tori and Cleo......

Martin: (looks seriously at Jayson) Jayson???
Jayson: what?! I did everything to protect him and... (points Tori) and Tori spilled it... I knew that the landlord was harassing him..... he was in denial that time...
Caliber: cause he is avoiding you....
Jayson: I did not ask for your opinion Caliber.....
Cleo: but seriously speaking guys... (holds Martin) I really think you have to help Trenton out... please Martin....
Martin: when did I say no? I mean.... he is always welcome here.... I just do not know if.. (looks at Jayson) some will get along..
Jayson: I am trying to fix this Martin... you know that.....
Caliber: but do not act like a Romeo.....
Jayson: I fucking did not ask Caliber!!
Connor: but Caliber is right... being a brave little soldier after hurting a person because he will not believe it... if you want to make things better, act stupid and let him win the arguement.... let him feel right just for once after feeling bad for weeks......
Jayson: (tears falls on his face) I really feel like I made such disaster to his life.....
Martin: but do not feel depressed Jayson.... (hugs Jayson) it was just a matter of miscommunication....
Caliber: (murmurs) and post incest relationship....
Cleo: excuse me Caliber?
Jayson: (clenches his fists) you really want to piss me off huh?
*everyone looks weirdly at Caliber*

Trenton is really my favorite character of the story and yes, it will be both his story and Martin for these last days... tune in!


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