Episode 8 : Planned Date

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It is now Saturday morning at the house of Martin... at the living room, Cleo, Reese and Trenton were hanging out at the dining room while Martin is still asleep....

Cleo: Trenton? aren't you going to wake Martin up? We are already eating breakfast without him....
Trenton: well, he doesn't even know yet that you guys are here......
Reese: oh wait..... why not...... lets surprise him....
Cleo: but we already made a surprise.... this pancakes with extra maple syrup.....
Reese: (rolls her eyes) this is your surprise for him and Trenton's.... but I have a better plan....
Trenton: (rolls her eyes) what is it Reese? prank again???
Tori: (enters the room) Martin???? (sews Trenton) oh hi guys!!
Trenton: Tori???
Cleo: huh? (looks at Tori) do you even know how to knock girl???
Tori: oh... I apologize... I saw the door open that is why I entered.... (looks around) is Martin around?
Trenton: join us for breakfast... Martin is still asleep....
Cleo: (glares at Trenton)
Tori: nah... (sits besides Trenton) I am done eating breakfast at McDonalds.... (rolls her eyes) alone.....
Trenton: wait... I saw a photo of you and Caliber together last night... aren't you two supposed to be together?
Tori: he is in a bad mood again... (looks down sadly) it is getting worse...
Reese: oh my..... can we stop this drama guys.... it is a saturday morning..... so... just like what I said, I am going to surprise our little Martin with Jayson......
Cleo: Jayson??
Tori: oh my.... I heard about them.....
Cleo: are you sure about Jayson??? Aren't we bothering him by bringing him here?
Reese: Jayson is really nice.... and we are not doing it all the time anyway.... this could be ugh.... you know... (smiles) bonding......
Cleo: but does he like Martin?? Does Martin like him?
Tori: oh Cleo..... this is why we are trying to match them up and if I wanna jump into conclusions... yes.....
Cleo: what the... we do not even know if Jayson is straight and...... what if he cannot be trusted...
Tori: (opens her phone) (chatting Jayson) nah girl.... too late.... I am already inviting her over....
Reese: oh my God! I am so excited...
Trenton: (stands up) fine... I will jump into the ship... gonna add more pancakes...... (rolls his eyes) (left)
Tori: that is a great idea Reese...
Resse: thank you Tori....
Cleo: (rolls his eyes)

After a half an hour, in Martin's bedroom, Martin has woken up......

Martin: (yawns) (stretches his body) (looks around) huh??? (in his mind) I think Trenton left me..... (smells something) (stands up) or wait..... somebody's out there.... I think......

At the dining room.......

Jayson: (smiles down) thanks for inviting me for breakfast.......
Trenton: well, lets surprise Martin.... we are his friends anyway.... the girls are hiding... lets also hide.... (runs to the counter)
Jayson: oh sure... (looks around) (hides under the table)
Martin: (yawns) hello?? is anybody there?? (enters the dining room) (sees freshly cooked pancakes) oh my fuck! (feels hungry) (runs to the table) who made this???
Jayson: (appears in front of Martin) surprise......
Martin: (eyes widens) Jayson??? (smiles) you are here??? you made this????
Jayson: ugh.... sadly no.... (smiles down) but... can we sit before talking??
Martin: (nods) yeah.... sure? (sits on a chair)
Jayson: (sits on a chair)
*Tori, Reese and Cleo peeks at Jayson and Martin*
Reese: (whispers at Tori) Jayson really knows how to jump in our schemes huh??
Tori: (whispers to Cleo) told ya, he will accept it... he was into it Cleo...
Cleo: (rolls his eyes) fine... it is my fault.... all my fault..... (whispers)
Jayson: (watches Martin eating)
Martin: (looks at Jayson) ugh... do you want?? I am so shy eating here while you are watching me.....
Jayson: (smiles) you are so cute when you are eating so fast... but sure.... I would love to join you eat......
Martin: (blushes down)
Reese: (screams loud) ahhhhh! I cannot take this anymore! (runs to Jayson and Martin) you two must be a couple!
Tori: (runs to Reese) chill Reese....
Cleo: good morning Martin... sorry for this..... (walks to Martin)
Martin: OMG! I knew you guys were behind this but I am so happy.... I didn't know you can bring Jayson here..... I am too shy to do it myself...
Trenton: (approaches Martin)
Jayson: wait... why would you be shy??? you really wanted us to have a time for ourselves??
Martin: (blushes while looking at Jayson)
Jayson: hahahaha... I am just kidding....
Martin: ugh... its just... I wanna know you more..... I am just interested knowing more of you....
Reese: (about to scream loud)
Tori: here we go again... (covers Reese's mouth)
Reese: (screams while being covered)
Jayson: so... wanna schedule a day? we can hang out anytime.... as long as you're into it... I am automatic into it.......
Martin: (smiles) I cannot do it tomorrow sadly.... I have groceries to do.....
Jayson: aww.... but I also have to do something tomorrow.... what about.... lets skip classes on monday....
Martin: you skip class???
Tori: that doesn't sound like Jayson.... a smart kid....
Jayson: then... (smiles at Martin) somebody must be pretty special......
Martin: (smiles)
Tori: (shakes Reese) oh my God! I also cannot help but be happy......
Martin: but can we still spend the whole day with our friends..... I hope we can all watch movies together.....
Jayson: all day... sure.... but let me make sure you sleep early tonight......
Martin: fine..... hahahahaha... Mr. Jayson will lull me to sleep.....
Jayson: really???
Martin: (shrugs) (keeps eating)
Trenton: you heard that... I will prepare the living room guys! Help me Cleo....
Cleo: fine... whatever you are saying....
*Trenton and Cleo left*

It is now night, at some park, Caliber was there all alone in his car......

Caliber: (watches the stars at the sky) (feels sad)
*a car stops next to Caliber*
Uno: (driving the car) hey Caliber? why are you here?
Prescott: we are heading to a party... c'mon join us...
Caliber: I am fine... leave me alone please....
Prescott: are you sure??
Uno: Caliber... if this is about...
Caliber: (screams) I said leave me alone guys! I have no time to be fucked up for this night.... get away!!! (screams)
Prescott: ugh.... (looks at Uno)
Uno: ugh... okay..... (feels sad) (starts the engine) (drives the car) sew you around...
*the car left*
Caliber: (slams the steering wheel) fuck!!!! I hate life! (screams) (crying)

Episode 8 is done... 12 more episodes for this season... are you enjoying the progress??

2AM FeelsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ