Episode 45 : Gifts

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It is now a thursday morning at Trenton's home, Connor was at the living room playing with his phone while Trenton is still asleep.....

Trenton: (yawnining) (stretches his arms)
Connor: (smiles) (notices Trenton waking up) I think it really does feel good to be awake this early huh??? I feel the same..
Trenton: huh? (looks confused at Connor) Connor? I thought you all will leave me when the sun goes up to do the attic?
Connor: they did except me... Martin told me to look after you....
Trenton: but how about school though... I just knew that it is a school day today.....
Connor: (sits next to Trenton) we all set aside school for today to work on you and your new place to stay.... (smiles) your permanent place.....
Trenton: (nods) thank you... (looks down) thank you also for being here Connor although we haven't known each other that much yet.... (feels awkward)
Connor: oh c'mon Trenton... I may not know you that fully from yourself but the way Martin tells stories about you when you were not feeling okay.... and he really missed helping you out as much as you help him with his sleeping habits.....
Trenton: (smiles down) yeah.... I guess I feel so fucked up for what I've done.... Martin felt bad about it.... does he even think I was jealous of him and...
Connor: (touches Trenton's lips) (cuts off Trenton) (shakes his head) he was never.... his concern was you and like your friend motto or whatever, your sadness is everyone's sadness......
Trenton: (nods) and I made everyone sad.....
Connor: (shakes his head) but Trenton.... you know what?
Trenton: what? (smiles)
Connor: cheer up yourself because being sad is such a waste of time......
Trenton: (shrugs) can I?
Connor: just let us help you... (gives Trenton a pink teddy bear)
Trenton: what is this? (looks at the teddy bear)
Connor: I brought it on the way to this place.... it is a stuffed toy and also a very safe money dispenser......
Trenton: really??? (looks around the stuffed toy)
Connor: and it is bigger than your container so.... I hope you continue with your funds for the future and.... don't ever feel down about all of this okay???
Trenton: (hugs Connor) I promise!! (nods) I will be doing this for my friends......
Connor: but... (slowly hugs Trenton) (blushes) (in his mind) but what about Jayson????
Trenton: (closes his eyes) (smiles) I am so excited to live with you guys...
Connor: looking forward to get to know you more Trenton....
Trenton: same thing Connor... same thing....

After the whole day, Trenton and Connor were on their way to move out from Trenton's new home with the remaining stuffs they will bring to Martin's home.... at the attic......

Jayson: (puts a sci-fi lamp next to the drawer besides the bed)
Cleo: you really did everything to decorate this room huh? and I cannot believe you paid for everything here.....
Martin: and he also made sure he can obtain this stuffs early as possible....
Jayson: I have disappointed him too much already so I hope I can make up with him with these stuffs.... (smiles) will he... (looks at the stuffs) will he like this?
Tori: I am sure that he will love every single one of it....
Caliber: but, it will only be that way if he knows its from you.... do you want to know its from you?
Jayson: (ignores Caliber) I am never gonna ask for your suggestion.....
Martin: (holds Jayson's shoulder) but Caliber is right, do you want him to know that this is from you Jayson???
Jayson: ugh... (feels nervous) can we not to that? can we just stick to not saying it because I do not want to sound so desperate for spending money just to get his heart again....
Cleo: but are you sure?
Jayson: I am just only clinging now to my presence that he will feel everytime he walks in the room... I hope we can reconcile....
Tori: (peeks at the window) (notices Connor and Trenton approaching the house with boxes) they are here... and they still have a lot of boxes.. are you sure that this attic is big for all of his stuffs?
Martin: this place is really big....
Tori: how about the roof??
Jayson: guys... relax, I already spent all of these stuffs and I chose the highest quality....
Caliber: (mumurs) you cannot even say your feelings and be okay with Trenton......
Jayson: what did you say?!
Martin: (shakes Caliber and Jayson) guys... lets now meet him!
Cleo: I agree... lets all go!!!!
*everyone walks out of the attic*

At the front yard of the home......

*Connor and Trenton looks at Martin's house*
*Martin, Caliber, Cleo and Tori approaches and hugs Trenton*
Martin: happy moving day Trenton! glad we can finally have more connected and bonded memories now that we are housemates...
Trenton: like a wish granted that we really somehow became brothers.....
Cleo: yes baby... you two boys are the only babies of our squad and you were always brothers.....
Tori: (blushes) I hope you appreciate how we decorated you cute room....
Caliber: (whispers) and Trenton... it really looks like a baby room because you really are the baby of our squad....
Martin: and the most handsome....
Trenton: (blushes at everyone) thank you guys....
Jayson: (walks out of the home)
*everyone looks at Jayson*
Jayson: ugh.. welcome? (feels shy)
Trenton: (sadly looks at Jayson) (hugs his teddy bear)
Jayson: I hope... (bites his lips) I hope you like the place I made for you.... ugh.. I mean, we made for you...
Trenton: (looks confused at Jayson)

Back at the attic......

Trenton: (slowly climbs the ladder) (enters the attic) (smiles) whoa! (looks at the light switches) huh? baby lights and the guardian lights? what is that? (turns on the guardian lights)
*the main lights turns on*
Trenton: okay? (turns off the main lights and open the baby lights)
*blue stars circles on the ceiling and walls of the attic*
Trenton: (blushes) (hugs his teddy bear tightly) (tears falls on his face)
*everyone peeks at at Trenton on the attic*
Jayson: you like it???
Trenton: I love it... (bites his lips) I love it so much Martin... thank you....
Martin: huh? (feels confused at Jayson)
Jayson: (whispers) he did not recognize but as long as he is happy, I guess I made something good.....
Connor: (hugs Martin and Jayson)
Caliber: (hugs Martin)
Jayson: (keeps staring happily at the lights)

This was so cute.... but will the two be okay??? how about we change the story a bit... tune in next!

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