Episode 52 : Mess Creator

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It is now tuesday and in school, Jayson and Collins were together taking care of Martin who is still sad after being ignored by Caliber the whole day..... at the hallway.....

Martin: (sits and leans on his locker) I do not want to be in any place but here guys so.... if you guys are onto something else, you can leave...
Jayson: we won't leave you.... right Connor???
Connor: Jayson is right... we will stay here with you till you and him are now okay..... (sits next to Martin)
Jayson: (sits next to Martin)
Martin: but will we be okay? I am scared that the old him would return......
Jayson: (takes a deep breath) (feels stressed) I am sorry that I cannot help Martin because..... this doesn't mean that I am blaming it to your mess but we all know up till know, I am not okay with Caliber being yours......
Connor: Jayson... we both know that but still... do not say that to Martin, please? Jayson: yeah.. (hugs Martin) all I can give is the cousin or brotherly love.....
Martin: (nods) (tears falls on his face)
Hannah: (approaches Martin) ugh Martin?
Martin: (notices Hannah) oh hi Hannah... (smiles)
Hannah: I apologize for everything that happened to you lately.....
Cleo: (notices Hannah approaching Martin) what the fuck is this woman doing after everything she did... (screams) hey! come here.... (walks and slaps Hannah hardly)
Hannah: (sadly feels pain)
Jayson: oh no... Cleo! (holds Hannah) why did you do that?
Cleo: I never trusted this woman, Jayson as much as you never trusted Caliber right?? and she may be part of the reason why the 2 are not in good terms and I am not having it...
Martin: (stands up) but Cleo.... we cannot jump into conclusions.....
Hannah: Cleo... (tears falls on her face) I understand your anger to me but yeah... I might have been with Uno the night we filmed the couple but... I deleted already the video and we both know I was in the party when it was released.....
Cleo: I do not believe you Hannah.....
Hannah: guys... trust me.... (keeps crying) I was on the point of getting your trust and Uno ruined all of this and I am also disappointed... that is why I am so concerned...
Connor: (feels sad) well... Uno is really the main enemy here.... he has been here before me and hearing that he hates Martin for a long time just proves that he really wants to.... you know.. obsessed in taking down Martin.....
Cleo: (feels stressed)
Caliber: (feels stressed) (passes the hallway)
Martin: (notices Caliber) Cal?? (runs and grabs Caliber) Caliber???
Caliber: Martin! not now!
Martin: Caliber... not this time... (keeps crying) I have to be strong because I love you and I will not let you be who you be anymore!!
Caliber: (looks angrily at Martin) what do you mean??!
Martin: I am scared Caliber and I knew this would happen!
Caliber: cause you do not believe in me all this time?! that you were doubting me all this time?!! (keeps crying)
Uno: (peeks at everyone) (tries to film Caliber and Martin)
Martin: (keeps crying)
Caliber: Martin, I lost my basketball position because of you and you telling me shits again like before.... Martin, you are crumbling my life!!!
Jayson: (pushes and punches Caliber angrily) that is what you want to say after everything Martin did to you?!!
Martin: (keeps crying) I am still the one ruining your life all this time??? do you ever thought of the times that I was fucking motivating you and you gone way too far and made yourself cocku but I never complained!
Caliber: (looks confused at Martin)
*Tori, Reese, Cedrick, Trenton and Prescott approaches everyone*
Martin: even when I never got any thank you from you after that time, I still looked upon you because I always believed in you... even when you started bullying me, I appreciated and cherished that because that is the only way we communicated and even if your life is a whole mess like you say, I was there to embrace it!! but one thing I could never accept hearing from you is me being the reason why your life is like this because.... (bites his lips sadly) I may be the reason and the afterpain ia felt by me, not you.... the guilt I got from the pain you're recieving is the most painful but... I always remained hopeful..... (keeps crying) cause that is how I love you......
Jayson: you cannot imagine how much Martin became a martyr for his love to you.... and this is what you will bring back to him??!
Martin: (keeps crying) if this is because of the thing that your coach said, I could have defended you... I am the president remember.... you supported me and that is the thing I appreciated about you... the way you are now the one appreciating me and I do not want to lose that.....
Uno: (eyes widens at Martin) then it has all been said and confirmed.... (walks near to Martin) that you are going to use your stupid win for your personal stuffs......
Tori: (walks to Uno) personal stuffs?! maybe its you because you want to ruin people by exposing their embarrassments that naturally everyone has!
Uno: and he is really embarrassing!
Martin: (clenches his fists) (feels pissed) you really have a huge problem with me, don't you?
Uno: tough huh? let us see how people would react to who you really are?!
Martin: what side of me are you finding? (screams angrily) I will show you! (slams Uno on the locker)
Uno: (looks nervous at Martin) get away from me!
Trenton: (holds Martin) Martin.. calm down...
Martin: (shoves Trenton away from himself) get away Trenton! let us give this person what he wants... (smashes Uno's body on the wall) if he wants to talk this way!!
Reese: (holds Trenton) I haven't seen Martin get mad like this before...
Caliber: (looks concerned at Martin)
Cedrick: (looks concerned at Caliber)
Prescott: (feels sad for Cedrick)
Martin: (screams angrily at Uno) tell me what you want to know!!
Uno: (punches Martin hardly to the ground) (grabs Uno by the neck) that you are a stupid hopeless fool!!!
Martin: (looks threatened at Uno)

the tension is at its highest point... be ready!! be ready! last 8 episodes!!

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