Episode 17 : The Agreements

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It is now friday, at school, Jayson and Martin were hanging out at the fountains.....

Jayson: really baby?? you wanna run for president???
Martin: will you support me???
Jayson: of course baby...... why wouldn't I support you?? I am super fucking proud of you.... (pinches Martin's cheeks) what will be your advocacies???
Martin: I think the thing I wanna improve in this school is obviously bullying..... we do not have that high case of bullying but..... there are still people there who would try to underestimate other people's strength..... and I want those voiceless people to have a voice......
Jayson: i agree.... there are even like.... strand discrimination here..... a big competition which shouldn't be.... and.... little case of bullying? the school is too big Martin to conclude that....
Martin: (nods) that is why I want a group of students in every level and strand that can look out for people who are getting bullied whether its physical or social..... and those people must take actions and send it to the faculty and the teachers must also do their thing, the must investigate.....
Jayson: that is really a big process but I am in favor of it.... it is a huge mission but it is possible......
Martin: (smiles) ugh.... (holds Jayson's hand) what if......
Jayson: what if what??? (blushes) (looks at Martin holding his hand)
Martin: please be my vice president or..... maybe you can be the president.... I will support.... you are smarter...
Jayson: hey babe!!! ugh..... do not tell that... politics is not about being the smartest, you must be the president..... and.... are you sure you want me to be the vice??
Martin: only if you want... so that I can have somebody on my side.......
Jayson: (kisses Martin's cheeks) sure baby.... I will run for vice president..... for you.... I will do it.....

It is now lunch, at the outdoor tables, Tori, Trenton and Cedrick were hanging out with Martin and Jayson....

Tori: (eyes widens) really??? that is great!!! (claps her hands) I am really in favor of your runnings in this school year's elections......
Trenton: well..... we have to make sure they win.... (smiles) and lets spread kindness and positivity in this school....
Tori: OMG! I must be the president in this fans club....
Cedrick: Tori.... this is politics.....
Tori: I mean... I will going to lead the campaign..... I will handle all the designs and maybe.... your friends can help me......
Martin: thank you guys so much for supporting the decisions I made.....
Tori: well.... we see you have a kind heart Martin..... you won't do anything but to give and say what's right.....
Martin: (smiles down)
Jayson: (holds Martin's hand) so.... Tori... I heard that you and Cal broke up....
*Cedrick and Tori looked sadly at each other*
Tori: ugh... (nods) it was a decision I made for his good and my good.... I know people would say that I am a good girlfriend but that is not what I see in myself and I wanna learn so much more..... and Martin... I cannot afford seeing you hurt... yes, me and Caliber have been together before we become close but friendship is worth saving for.....
Martin: aww...... I am so happy Tori that I met you..... I do not know what's senior life without meeting you......
Tori: aww Martin..... (winks) I will always be here for you guys.....

It is now dismissal, at a milkshake shop near the school, Caliber was there waiting for Cleo to arrive......

Caliber: (looks at his watch) (looks around) (in his mind) is he coming???
Cleo: (enters the shop) (sees Caliber) um..... hi!! sorry I am late....
Caliber: (smiles) it is okay... here.... I already bought some food for us... my treat... I owe you big anyway if you help me...
Cleo: (nods) thanks but.... haha.... you didn't have to pay... (sits on the opposite seat)
Caliber: ugh.... the thing is..... I have an app where I can meet strangers....
Cleo: wait... like a dating app? you have been doing that while being in a relationship with Tori??
Caliber: it is not a dating app.... it is a multi purpose app.....
Cleo: but the issue is... why meet strangers online....
Caliber: can we just go to the topic?
Cleo: (rolls her eyes) fine.....
Caliber: and here it goes.... suddenly I encounter a guy......
Cleo: wait... you also gay!?
Caliber: (screams) let me explain....
Cleo: (bites on a Mojo) fine... okay... chill....
Caliber: of course I have no idea if it is a boy or girl but as we talk... he mentions that he was embarrassed by somebody.... and it seems that it was something I did......
Cleo: (eyes widens) what?! so that means..... you were talking to Martin?
Caliber: obviously.... it was him... and as we talk more about it.... I feel ashamed more.... I can see how hurt he was.......
Cleo: now you know the mess you made...
Caliber: I know.... I known that since I pushed him..... but..... here is the thing.... he told me that he could give that guy another chance of reconciliation..... and obviously he is talking about me...
Cleo: so you are here to prove me that you have rights to be okay with him and I must be the bridge for that friendship???
Caliber: yup, cause I had a proof that I am sure....
Cleo: fine... (rolls his eyes)
Caliber: yay!!!!
Cleo: one thing.... I ain't forcing you but....
Caliber: what??
Cleo: you gay??
Caliber: why did you say that???
Cleo: (drinks on her milkshake) yesterday at the parking lot..... you see the lovers together... you cried.... you seem jealous.....
Caliber: (eyes widens) hey.... um.... its just....
Cleo: wait wait wait.... (interrupts Caliber) what is the name of that app......
Caliber: I will not tell you...
Cleo: sure Caliber..... you aren't telling me what app huh????
Caliber: Cleo.... please do not tell me our  agreement depends on me telling you the app... that is stupid....
Cleo: I won't force you Caliber but you remind me of Martin's gay panic now.... hahahahaha...... well, it is still up to you..... (rolls her eyes)
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) whatever..... I will not tell you the app.... that's an irrelevant topic....
Cleo: sure... I will help you getting Martin as your friend.... 
Caliber: (smiles looking at Cleo)
Cleo: if you only really want friends.... hahahahaha....
Caliber: (looks serious at Cleo)

It is now night..... at Caliber's bedroom, Caliber was getting ready for bed......

Caliber: (jumps happily to his bed) (smiles) (lies in his bed) (in his mind) why am I so happy about this??? am I ready to tell people that I am not really the person they thought I was??? what about my dreams??? (takes a deep breath) I will think about it....

I am so excited...... this is the only time Cleo was not annoying...do you agree??? Tune in for the last 3 episodes....

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