Treasure Hunt (7)

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Chapter 7

Alex Jones

“Alex!” Mr. Jones cried the second the elevator doors opened.

Alex was standing in his bedroom, a T-shirt halfway over his head and his pants unbuttoned as he listened to his father’s angry footsteps. With a deep sigh, Alex finished dressing as quickly as he could and walked out of his bedroom.

The first sight that met him was his father’s glare. It wasn’t unusual to see Mr. Jones like this. He rarely had a smile on his face. But Alex hadn’t seen this furious expression on his face ever since he came back. Though, Alex had a good idea what this might be about.

“A F!?” Mr. Jones exploded.

In his hand, he held a piece of paper Alex recognized as his latest test from school.

“You were improving and then I find this!?” Mr. Jones yelled.

Alex looked down and didn’t answer. His father hadn’t been like this for a long while. The two of them had actually managed to avoid each other for the most part.

“I can’t believe this Alex! You are supposed to take over the company in a few years, so I can’t have you receive grades like this!” Mr. Jones’s face was almost completely red.

“How did this even happen?” Mr. Jones asked his son, taking deep breaths to try to calm down.

Alex knew exactly what had happened. He had gotten his friend back. Xavier had been over a lot more often ever since the talk they had a few weeks ago. They were back as best friends with barely any secrets, and they had been gaming a lot more after that.

Which meant Alex didn’t need to use the homework he received as a distraction from Rebecca. Xavier served as that.

“I haven’t bothered with the homework,” Alex answered his father’s previous question.

“You haven’t bothered! Alex, you are already one year behind at school! If you keep going like this, I doubt any Ivy League college will accept you. You need to look into your future. Without this company, you are nothing!” Mr. Jones yelled at him.

Alex frowned at his father’s words. It was nice to know how much faith his family had in him.

“I’ve told you before, but I’m going to tell you again,” Alex started calmly.

Inside, the fury was almost taking over. His element was raging in side of him, begging to be let out. Alex took a deep breath to make sure he didn’t lose control over himself and drowned his father.

“I am not interested in Ivy Leagues or your company, father,” Alex said.

Before Mr. Jones could say anything else, Alex had grabbed his bag and walked inside the elevator.

Alex had actually been in an okay mood when he woke up this morning. He was starting to look brighter at everything. The first month after he came back had been all doom and gloom, with Alex almost never getting out of the house. He wasn’t interested in his old life, and the only thing he could think about was Rebecca.

But Xavier had helped him gain back some of his old life. Alex had started to sit with the jocks again, and although he didn’t like it there so much, at least he was talking at lunch. His grades had returned to his average D. Maybe that wasn’t positive, but Alex didn’t care. The school couldn’t hold him back another year. He hoped, at least.

Alex got into his car. The driver was sitting in the front seat, waiting for instruction.

“Take me to school,” Alex demanded.

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