Treasure Hunt (24)

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Chapter 24

“So, did you know this was here, or was it pure luck?” Alex asked half an hour later when they had settled down by a small lake in the middle of the forest.

“Pure luck,” she said casually.

“You’re hair has changed,” Alex remarked.

“Mhm… It happened this morning,” Rebecca answered, a bit absentminded.

“Because you tried out your new powers?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, I think so,” Rebecca mumbled.

“So, how did you do it?” He asked.

Rebecca was looking out over the small lake, feeling strangely at peace. She hadn’t felt so good in ages, and she suspected it had something to do with her new powers. Ever since she had thrown her first fireball, her emotions had been on a high roll. But now she felt completely at ease. The anger she had bottled up in the last few years was completely disappeared.

“I don’t know,” Rebecca answered. “I just did what I always do; only it was more powerful than usually.”

“Should I try?” Alex asked her.

Alex stared at Rebecca in wonder. He had never seen her so calm and happy. Her eyes were kind if gleaming, but not in anger.

“Sure, why not?” Rebecca asked.

Alex shifted his gaze to the lake and sighed. He lifted his hand towards the lake.

“Do you think my hair will change too?” Alex stopped the motion with his hand as he asked this.

“No, probably not,” Rebecca asked.

“Why not?” Alex asked her, curious now.

“It wasn’t in the drawing in your book,” she replied.

“My book?” Alex asked.

“Yes, there’s a drawing of you after the ritual in your book. Your hair looks normal,” Rebecca answered.

Alex glanced at his hands in wonder. He was curious about his new powers, but also a bit scared. There was something in Rebecca’s tone that made him think she was hiding something from him.

“But…?” he prompted.

“Well, in the picture you get some kind of marks on your arms,” Rebecca answered.

Alex snapped his head around to look at her. His eyes were wide, as he traced his arms with his fingertips.

“Marks?” he asked her.

“Yeah, kind of like some blue tattoos that seems to run down your arms,” Rebecca told him.

“Wait, you mean my arms will be covered in blue tattoos,” Alex stated flatly.

“I don’t know,” Rebecca answered. “Just try. It’ll happen eventually, you know that.”

Alex looked back to the lake. He didn’t want to get blue tattoos. If that was the price for the new powers, he wasn’t sure he wanted them. He could just ignore them; really he didn’t feel like he needed them. He had always tried harder than the others; his powers were just strong enough.

“You can’t use your powers without getting stronger ones, Alex, and I don’t know if you’re going to get those marks. But my hair was different in the book, and so were your arms. That’s all I’m saying.”

Alex looked down at his arms again.

“Oh come on, Alex. Just do it,” Rebecca told him, while turning her head to look at him.

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