Treasure Hunt (11)

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Chapter 11

Drew froze in his spot. Hearing his mother’s voice made him afraid. A thousand questions roamed his mind as he waits for the footsteps to come closer to him. He could hear the giggle from Amy as she finished telling their mother about her day, and then the running of her feet.

Seconds later, Amy’s face popped into the living room. She had a giant smile on her face, which quickly faded once she saw that Drew was not alone.

“Mom! Drew had a girl here!” Amy cried with a devilish smile on her face.

Drew stared wide-eyed at his little sister. He could tell from the look in her eyes that she wanted him to get in trouble. Silently, he cursed little siblings.

Mrs. Harris was next to step into the room. She eyed Jennifer up and down before she walked completely inside the room.

“Amy, why don’t you go to your room?” she asked quietly.

Amy quickly followed her mother’s order, giving a small giggle before the door of her room closed.

“Hello there, I’m Andrew’s mother. Who are you?” Mrs. Harris asked.

Jennifer stood up and walked over to Mrs. Harris. She held out her hand as she spoke.

“My name is Jennifer Smith, I’m Drew’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Harris.” Jennifer’s voice was so quiet; Mrs. Harris had to strain her ears to hear.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Jennifer.” Mrs. Harris smiled politely. “Do you attend Andrew’s school? I haven’t heard of you before.”

“No, Mrs. Harris,” Jennifer responded. Her cheeks were red, obviously not comfortable under the woman’s scrutinizing gaze.

“Enough, mom. I have something to tell you,” Drew interrupted.

Mrs. Harris eyes snapped to her son’s face. She could see how serious he was, so she silently let her bag drop by the doorway, and sat down in a nearby chair. Following her example, Jennifer returned to her previous seat on the couch.

Drew continued to stand. He ran his hand through his hair a couple of times before he turned to his mother.

“Mom…” he started. Even with all the time he had to prepare himself, and the speech he had had in his mind for the better part of the afternoon, Drew couldn’t get a single word out.

“Oh good God, you have not gotten this girl pregnant, have you?” Mrs. Harris interrupted.

Jennifer’s face heated up immediately. She looked at Mrs. Harris in horror. She just could not fathom that Drew’s mother had just said that like it was something casual. Like it didn’t matter at all.

“No, mom!” Drew protested. He could feel the room getting chillier, a slight breeze passing him, so he knew Jennifer was getting nervous.

Mrs. Harris sent him a confused gaze. “Then what is the matter?”

Drew breathed in deeply before he met Mrs. Harris’s eyes.

“Mom, I need to leave for some time,” he confessed.

Mrs. Harris’s eyes turned even more confused.

“What do you mean by ‘leave’? Are you running away again, Andrew, because it that is what you are insinuating then I am not letting you get out of my sight for even a second,” Mrs. Harris protested.

“Mom, I have to,” Drew insisted.

“No. No, I am not letting you leave. Last time you were gone for an entire month. Do you have any idea how hard that was for us? We couldn’t get a hold of you; we had no idea if you were okay! You can’t just expect me to be okay with you leaving us again!”

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