Treasure Hunt (14)

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Chapter 14

Rebecca stormed down the sidewalk, her ruby clutched tightly in her hand. Her anger bypassed the calmness of the stone by a long shot. She was so sick and tired of looking and finding answers, then just being pushed back to square one.

She thought that finding the gems would get them right to the answers she had been searching for, for months. But now she was just more confused than when she started out. She couldn’t understand why someone would go to such extreme lengths just to hide what they were.

She wanted to be done with this, all of it. But she still wanted to figure out what she was, or rather why she was like she was. But Rebecca had never been known as a patient person, and she wanted the answers know.

The wind blew her hair behind her head as she hurried her steps down the sidewalk. She was pushing through the crowds, getting farther and farther away from the motel room.

“Rebecca!” Alex’s voice called after her, but Rebecca only quickened her steps.

She hadn’t gotten a long way before someone’s hand wrapped around her wrist.

“Don’t run,” Alex pleaded. “We’ll figure it out. You just have to be a bit patient.”

Rebecca glared down at the hand around her wrist. She wanted him to let her go. She needed her space. For once in the last week, she just needed to be alone. Why couldn’t he get that?

“I just want to be alone for a moment,” Rebecca told him as she pulled her wrist out of his hand.

Alex was quick to grab her other wrist in his hand before she could even take a step away. “Just talk to me,” he told her, hope glistening in his eyes. He wanted her to trust him enough with her thoughts. They had known each other for a few months now, and Alex had only seen Rebecca vulnerable once, when they were talking about her parents back in the mansion.

“I want. To be. Alone,” Rebecca said slowly, like she was talking to a little kid.

With one quick movement, she ripped her wrist out of his grasp again. But with the force of the pull, she lost the ruby that had been nestled in her palm. The ruby fell out of her hand with such force it flew for just a few seconds.

Rebecca watched horrified as the stone got further away from her. Thoughts whirred around in her head. What if the stone would break when it hit the ground? What if it got lost in the crowd walking around them? What would happen if she lost it? Rebecca really didn’t want to find out.

The gem flew through the air slow motion, and started it descent. But when it was just a few inches from the ground, a hand shot out and grabbed it.

Rebecca looked up at the face the hand belonged too. The guy couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than her. He wore a half smirk on his face as he had a tight grip on the ruby.

“Careful there. Wouldn’t want to lose something so… precious,” the guy said.

Rebecca watched, still half in the daze she had found herself in when the ruby was getting close to the ground, as the guy walked closer to them. The hand he held the ruby in twitched a bit, but Rebecca barely noticed it. Her eyes were zoomed in on the stone, never wavering. She scanned it over, making sure it was safe.

The guy stood in front of them, ready to give the stone back to Rebecca when his hand twitched. He led out a small hiss of pain and then dropped the ruby to the ground. But this time, Rebecca was ready. She reached out and grabbed it and put it straight into her pocket to make sure it was okay.

And then what had just happened ran through her mind. The guy, who she had no idea who were, had just hissed in pain. Was it because of her rock?

“What happened?” she asked.

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