Treasure Hunt (9)

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Chapter 9

Drew was shaking his leg nervously as he stared at the streets that passed by. Rebecca was driving fast; it was frightening to sit in the backseat. Drew noticed Jennifer had fallen asleep in the front seat, but he couldn’t understand how anyone could sleep at a moment like this.

Alex was sitting beside Drew, completely focused on the phone in his hand. The phone kept vibrating, and Alex was looking at it conflicted. It seemed like he wanted to take it, but he never did.

“What the hell is going on here?” Drew finally asked.

Alex just barely glanced up at him, too busy with his phone to really care. Jennifer stirred slightly in her sleep at his voice. She hadn’t been awake when they picked Drew up either.

“I’ll explain when Jennifer is awake. Is there somewhere we can talk in private?” Rebecca asked him.

Rebecca didn’t want to tell anyone about her discoveries until they were all together and in a place they knew were safe. Jennifer and Alex had been kept in the dark, and Rebecca preferred it that way.

Drew’s gaze softened when Rebecca mentioned Jennifer. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Although he was burning with curiosity, he didn’t want to wake his girlfriend.

“It can wait for tomorrow,” he whispered.

Alex let out an annoyed sigh. He had been waiting for several hours for some kind of explaination. He was happy to finally see Rebecca again, but the thought that was plaguing his mind was Xavier and the dumbfounded expression in his face when Alex had run to the car.

Xavier hadn’t stopped calling since, and Alex was itching to pick it up, but still didn’t know what to say. It’s not like he could pick up the phone and say, “You know when I was gone? Yeah, I got three new friends, and the four of us can control the elements, but I don’t want you to freak.”

“Drew? Is there anywhere I can park the car where it won’t raise suspicion?” Rebecca asked him.

“Just park it outside my house, you can all sleep in my room tonight,” Drew murmured absentmindedly, his focus on Jennifer.

“I’d rather sleep in the car,” Rebecca grumbled as she turned the car around to drive back.

She listened to Drew’s quiet directions and reached the house after five minutes of driving.

Drew was out of the car fast and opened the passenger seat. He picked Jennifer up carefully and started to walk to the front door. Alex and Rebecca followed after hesitantly.

“What about your parents?” Alex asked when Drew started to open the door.

“They’re probably asleep,” Drew answered.

He opened the door for them, and gestured for them to walk inside. Alex walked ahead first, Rebecca just behind. Drew walked last with Jennifer in his arms. He closed the door behind them softly, and nodded his head for the stairs.

Drew was about to open the door from his room when Alex’s phone started to ring, loudly.

“Turn it off!” Rebecca hissed.

Alex fumbled with the phone in his hand. He didn’t remember turning on the sound again after the last call from Xavier, so he was just as shocked as the other three.

“Drew?” A sleepy voice called from a room further down the hall.

Finally Alex managed to ignore the call. He quickly put it on silent. Drew waved his hand wildly as he gestured for them to walk inside his room.

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