Treasure Hunt (16)

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Chapter 16

“We can’t fit everyone into your car, Rebecca,” Alex said, trying one last time to convince Rebecca that bringing Aaron and Ava would be a mistake.

“Oh, don’t be so ridiculous, Alex, we need to take them with us. Aaron won’t let us borrow the book, and either way, I am not interested in translating another book from Latin. We need them. And we can easily fit six people into my car,” Rebecca said from the driver’s seat.

This fight had been going on all morning. Alex really didn’t want the two siblings to join them. He didn’t trust them, nor would he ever trust them. But he knew that Rebecca had made up her mind, and they would be coming with.

“And if we can’t, I’m sure Aaron has a car he and his sister can follow us in,” she reassured him.

While Rebecca had taken up the driver’s seat, and Alex put their bags in the trunk, Jennifer and Drew hadn’t walked from the room yet. Drew had read on Alex’s face that he was upset and he needed to talk to Rebecca on his own. Therefore, he was sitting on the bed he had used last night, waiting for Jennifer to finish up in the bathroom.

“I have a bad feeling about the two of them, the girl at least,” Drew said when Jennifer walked into the room.

Jennifer sighed as she sat down next to him.

“I don’t like her either, and the guy creeps me out with those spells. But Rebecca trusts them, at least somewhat, and I’ll side with her this time,” Jennifer replied.


“Look, Drew,” Jennifer interrupted him. “If the two of them can help us be done with all this, then I’m willing to risk it. I want to be done with this… this road trip. And Rebecca thinks that Aaron can help us, so I’ll believe her. Be honest with yourself. Everything Rebecca has assumed up until now has been true. So, even if you don’t trust them, suck it up. Another week and we’ll all be back home, okay?”

With those last words, Jennifer walked out of the motel room.


“What is this place?” Drew muttered as he closed the car door behind him and stared up at the run down house in front of them. The sign BRIGHT’S SPELLS AND POTIONS hung over the door.

“It’s Aaron and Ava’s dad’s shop,” Rebecca answered as she locked the car door.

The four of the walked over to the door and walked in. Jennifer felt queasy as she took in the inventory of the shop. She clutched Drew’s hands closer, and didn’t move more than a foot away from the door. She watched carefully as Rebecca made her way over to the counter and rung the bell that stood on it.

Seconds later, a man emerged from the drapes that hung behind the counter with a big grin on his face.

“Hello there!” he called cheerily.

He glanced at Rebecca and the grin turned even brighter.

“Aaron’s friend, right? He’s downstairs, I’m sure you remember the way,” the man said and gestured for the drapes. “Go on down.”

Rebecca looked back at the three people who stood by the door. Neither of them made a movement to show they were going to move, so she turned away with a shrug and walked behind the counter. Then she disappeared behind the drapes.

For two long minutes, Jennifer, Alex and Drew stood at the door looking around the shop. The herbs, the bowls, the books and the jewelry that hung on the wall. Jennifer had never been in a place like this, and even though the first sight of the store freaked her a bit out, she became fascinated when she took in all the things. She broke free from Drew’s hold and started to walk around the room.

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