𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐏𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞

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The first week of winter break for Betty and Jughead consisted of dates at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe. Then late-night walks along the boardwalk that was now, frozen over. They even went to the secret beach a few more times as well.

Now, late at night on Christmas eve, Betty was laying on her bed while on a facetime call with her boyfriend. She was laughing historically at one of his stupid jokes, his heart warming at her happiness.

"It's not my fault that he couldn't see where he was going," Jughead stated, laughing a little himself.

Outside of both of their houses, a flurry had started, covering every square-inch of Riverdale, the roads layered with a fresh blanket of snow.

"Where are you going?" Jughead asked, confused as to why she was moving away from the camera.

"I need to get changed at some point!" She called out, tossing clothes around.

"Well, hurry up!" He shot back, a smirk playing on his lips.

After quickly changing into a pair of pyjamas in a rush, she laid back down on her bed, bringing her phone closer to her face to see him more clearly.

"Took you long enough," He joked, earning an eye-roll from her end.

Even if it was just over the phone, they loved talking to each other before bed. Sometimes even one of them would end up falling asleep while still on a call, the other dreadfully hanging up, even if they didn't want to, but they knew they had to go to bed at some point.

"So, you're coming tomorrow, right?" Betty asked, indicating to the Christmas party her mother was throwing.

"I wouldn't miss it," He replied, answering her question.


After a few seconds, she spoke again, a smirk growing on her lips.

"What did you get me?" She questioned, curiously.

"I'm not going to tell you, you'll have to find out tomorrow," He stated, chuckling at her eagerness.

"Can you give me a hint?" She whined, desperately hoping for at least a clue to what it could be.

"No, you'll just have to wait," He repeated.





"Pretty please..." She pleaded.

"Betts, no," He simply said, not budging at all.

"I hate you..." She mumbled, frustrated that she couldn't even get one word out of him, other than 'no'.

"No, you don't," He spoke, making her become flushed. He didn't know if it was from anger or his words. He hoped it was the last one.

"You're irritating!" She stated, trying to hold back her smile.

"Ok, now that might be true..." He admitted.

"It might? It is!" She corrected, giggling a little.

"You are something else, aren't you..." He responded, chucking at her sudden change of mood.

He wondered how her mood could change that fast, just like that.

"I hope that 'something else' is good," She spoke, blushing a little from his previous comment.

"It is," He assured, causing her to smile.


Betty woke up the next morning with a smile on her face.

It was Christmas day.

The thoughts of seeing her friends and family while eating a lovely meal her mother would serve filled her mind, joy taking over. And to top it all off, her sister would be coming home today. She would've flown in sooner, but it was hard to find a flight soon enough with everyone travelling everywhere for the holidays.

She eagerly hopped out of bed, quickly starting the shower as she undressed, then getting in as the hot water took over her body, practically burning the cold away. She loved the warmth the water brought, melting away any stress and anxiety that had crawled into her mind.

She loved having time to herself, time for herself. She needed it, she deserved it.

Her mind gradually wandered into thought, thinking of a certain raven-haired boy. Her raven-haired boy.

How could I ever get so lucky? She wondered.

To her, he was amazing, perfect even. He was the "perfect" that he had described to her, several months before. What he had described her as.

• • •

"How you look and act doesn't make you perfect, it's who you are that makes you perfect," He started.

"Your grades don't make you perfect, they show how smart you are,"

"Your clothes don't make you perfect, they make you look elegant,"

"I constant smile on your face doesn't make you perfect, some real, some fake,"

"What makes you perfect is your personality, who you really are,"

"That's what matters,"

"You can't 'be' perfect, you just simply are," He stated, giving her a new definition of the word she used to despise.

• • •

He was her perfect boyfriend.

Not because of some stereotype that made a perfect match, not their looks or grades, nothing like that. 

It was because he was he, and she was she.

They were polar opposites, but they fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece, made for each other.

Jughead Jones was her missing piece, her everything.


"Polly!" Betty squealed as soon as her sister walked through the door, dragging her luggage behind herself.

"Betty!" Polly excitedly ran up to her, leaving her suitcases behind and hugging her.

"I've missed you!" Betty stated, hugging her back.

"I missed you too,"

"Mom," Polly spoke, moving over to hug their mother.

"I'm so glad that you're back," Alice confessed, squeezing her tightly.

"Me too," Betty added, watching as their embrace broke apart.

"Now, let's open some presents and get ready for a party!"


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