𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐌𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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After Betty had left Jughead standing there, outside of where the party was being held, he sat down for a moment, thinking of everything that she told him. How he had hurt her. He felt unbelievably ashamed of what he had unknowingly caused. It was dreadful.

How could he have done this to her? He was only trying to protect her. Or that's what he told himself to believe. We wasn't ready to admit it yet, but he definitely had some sort of trust issues or commitment issues.

It could've easily been both, as well.

He had never intended to hurt her, it just happened, uncontrollably. He should've just left her alone, but he couldn't. It was impossible. He needed to be around her, even if it was just as friends, but he hoped for more.

No one had ever come close to the way he felt about Betty, vice versa likewise. He never thought of Betty as others did; perfect. He thought of her as perfection. She was perfection. Her imperfections made her a perfect, perfection.

He thought of her as an actual person, unlike others did. Sure, she had her struggles, but who didn't? Everyone had their own silent battle, completely different from someone else's, but that's what brought them together. It's what made them themself.

Some people win their battles, some loose, while others were still stuck out on the battlefield for what feels like an eternity.


Once Betty went back inside, she went on a search to find her friends. Well, mostly Veronica. It took her a few minutes, but she had finally spotted a familiar face, even if it wasn't the one she was hoping for. Surely he would know where her best friend went.

"Reggie!" She shouted over to him, catching his attention once again.

She quickly made her way over, shoving past drunk, intoxicated teenagers who wound up in her path.

"Hey," He greeted, turning towards her.

"Do you know where Veronica went?" She asked, curiously.

"I think she went back home with Archie," He answered.

"Oh..." Betty spoke, suddenly angry at her best friend for leaving her here like this.

"Reggie, come here!" Someone demanded, yelling over the crowd of people separating the two.

"I have to go..." He stated before running off after the voice, leaving Betty alone, once again.

So much for being friends.

After a few minutes of being pushed around and pushing back, she finally found herself outside once again, but this time at the front exit. She watched as people would come and go, the party slowly dying out as more people left.

She was surprised that the cops hadn't come yet, but not many people were around to call in it since the party was being held out in the countryside, quite a little bit away from Riverdale.

She wearily sat down on the ledge of a planter box, pondering on whether she should call her mother or not. She would surely be disappointed in her daughter for going to a party, this late at night.

"I assume that you're waiting for a ride?" Someone questioned, sitting down next to her.

She didn't need to look their way, she already knew who it was, just by hearing their easily, recognizable voice.

"I was just about to call my mom..." She replied, setting her phone down and glancing towards him.

"You know, I can just give you a ride," Jughead offered, looking into her eyes.

"Really?" She asked, her mood lightening a little.

"Of course," He stated, seeing the relief settle on her face.

"I'd never let it get to a point to which you have to call your mom," He added, a smirk playing on his lips.

"She would kill me!" Betty responded, smiling at him somewhat.

"She needs to loosen up," Jughead spoke, causing her to giggle.

"You sound like a drug dealer saying that," She commented, a smile beaming on her face.

"Well, I'm sad to say I'm not, but..." He replied, pulling out his cigarette pack and handing one to her.

She eagerly took it, remembering the comfort that it brought the last time when Jughead had allowed her to make an attempt at it. Before she could place it in her mouth, he pulled out his lighter and lit it for her, along with one for himself.

"Thanks," She muttered before taking a drag from the dangerous object she held in her hand.

"My pleasure, Princess," He said, using the nickname he created for her once again.

Betty couldn't help but blush from the teasing comment he spoke. She quickly turned her head away, hoping he didn't see, except it was already too late for that. She heard him chuckle from where he sat next to her, amused by what he had just caused.

Jughead had somehow finished his cigarette in a matter of a couple of minutes, including talking and the occasional laughs. He watched as she would bow her head down to the ground from laughter, caused by one of his rather funny comments, then look back up, her smile beaming as she glanced over to him.

He admired the way her eyes glowed with happiness, even in the dim evening light that would slowly fade as each minute passed.

"What?" She questioned after he had been starring at her for too long.

"Nothing..." He quickly replied, glancing away.

"You know that starring it rude," She commented, making him chuckle.

"I wasn't starring, more like admiring," He flirted, looking over to find her blushing.

She looked away before taking the last breath of her cigarette, then dropping it on the ground and stepping on it to put it out.

"Stop it!" She whined, even though she wanted him to keep going.

"I was just speaking the truth," He stated, admiring her once again.

"Jughead!" She scolded, catching him in the act.

"What?" He questioned, pretending as if he did nothing.

"I'm still trying to be mad at you!" She stated as he leaned closer, just a little bit.

"Just forget that for a moment," He replied, bringing his hand up to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Jug..." She spoke, getting lost on his quezal eyes, once again.

Before they knew it, she had leaned in, placing her lips on his for a brief moment. He kissed her back before they slowly pulled away, the amount of electricity between them almost lethal.

"I...I'm sorry..." She apologized, thinking she had done something terribly wrong, the exact opposite of the truth.

He eagerly kissed her again, almost startling her as his hand cupped the side of her face. The party behind them had been long forgotten, along with the fight that they just had, about fifteen minutes ago.

They slowly pulled away breathlessly, smiling wildly. His thumb travelled up and down her cheekbone as she continued to melt under his touch. His soft, yet harsh and addictive touch. The touch she had been craving for.

"How about we leave this crazy place?" He offered, gazing down into her brilliantly green eyes, then affectionately giving her one last sweet kiss on her lips.

"Okay..." She whispered back, lost in his touch.

She felt as if she was intoxicated. Not from alcohol or drugs, but from him. He was an addiction. She wanted nothing more, but him. She craved his electric touch, giving her the light she needed in her life. She didn't just want him, she needed him.

Heartbreak (Bughead) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz