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It had been a few months since Betty had finally woken up, and Jughead couldn't wait any longer to ask her what he had been holding in for what seemed like forever.

Now, after giving her time to heal from the injuries and trauma, he thought it was finally time. Their one-year anniversary had been a little over a week prior, which had been the same day as her birthday.

Though, he knew he could've proposed on that said date, but he wanted to make the proposal date special. Meaning he wanted it to not share the day with some other special memory. He wanted her to remember it as what it was, not a mix.

"What's gotten you all zoned out?" Betty questioned, letting out a giggle as she sat down next to him on the bay window seat in her bedroom.

One thing to not forget to mention was that after they had gotten back from the hospital he had never left her side, (Other than going out with friends) he had at this point practically moved in. Well, other than the times they would go back and forth between their two houses, always ending up together.

"I'm just thinking about things," He told her, pulling her closer so her back was leaning against his front. Unsure when, but he had noticed she had brought a blanket, laying it over their legs. "Well, mainly you..."

"Juggie!" She blushed, trying to hide her face in a pillow she grabbed in front of herself, pulling to her chest which made him chuckle.

"I'm just telling you the truth," He stated, leaning forward a little to catch her face reddening even more than before. "God, it's adorable when you blush,"

"No, it's not,"

"Yes, it very much is," He chuckled, watching her huff in defeat.

"Whatever..." She mumbled, hiding her face again in the same fluffy pink pillow.

He silently sat there, counting down in his head predicting what she would do next. Something only he could do, and almost every time he was right.




She sighed before turning around a little, now almost fully laying on top of him, making him chuckle. He felt her lips form into a smile as they brushed up against his skin, her nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.

She would do this almost every time they laid together, whether under the sunlight or in the dark. She just couldn't seem to help it.

"You seem comfy,"

"Mhm," She happily hummed, pulling the blanket up even higher around them. Well, mostly herself. "Very,"

"Well, take advantage of it for as long as it lasts since I have to leave soon," He told her, causing her to sit up a little to look him in the eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asked, giving him a little pout.

"I needed to check up on a few things at the bar," He answered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.


"I mean, if you wanted you could come with me," He offered, instantly making her smile.

"Really?" She excitedly questioned, now grinning.

"Of course,"


Sure, this wasn't the first time Betty had been to the bar, but she was just as excited.

Almost instantly after they gotten home from the hospital she had started to begin demanding he take her there, but it had always ended in; Once you heal a little more. After a week of begging him, he had finally gave in, watching her grin in victory.

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