𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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It was their first day into winter break. free from school for, unfortunately, only two weeks at best. Even if only two weeks, they needed the break from the highly stressful classes.

Betty sat in the Jones's kitchen, eating breakfast with the littlest one of the household while F.P. continued to cook more food.

"Where is he?" Jellybean asked, referring to Jughead.

"I think he's still sleeping," Betty answered, picking up a piece of bacon and dunking it into her egg before eating in.

"He can't be that tired to sleep in for that long..." Jellybean spoke, dragging out each 'that' to an extent.

A smirk grew on Betty's face, knowing the exact reason why he was so tired this morning.

"I have an idea..." Betty stated, catching the little girl's attention, once again.

"What?" The little brunette questioned, intrigued.


"WAKE UP!" Jellybean shouted into Jughead's ear, startling him from his rest.

Betty watched from a distance, seeing as he jumped at the commotion before throwing a pillow at the screaming girl he called his little sister.

"GET UP!" She continued to yell, throwing the pillow right back at him.

"Get out!" He warned, covering his ears.

"Not until you get up!" Jelly stated, confidently.

"That's it," He spoke out of annoyance.

He quickly got up, playfully throwing the little screaming girl over his shoulder and walked out, leaving Betty alone for a brief moment.

"It was her idea!" She heard Jellybean protest.

Great, she ratted me out. Betty though.

He came back in seconds later and shut the door, locking it so no more intruders could come in. Then he turned to Betty, a smirk already forming on his lips.

"So it was your idea?" He questioned, his tiredness somehow disappearing.

She quickly ran towards the door, unlocking it, but just before she could turn the door handle, he had grabbed her, picking her up over his shoulder the same way he did with Jellybean. He playfully threw her down on the bed and climbed on top of her as she squirmed under his grasp.

"Sometimes I hate how strong you are..." She mumbled, making him chuckle.

"No, you don't," He simply stated, seeing her cheeks flush pink at his comment.

He leaned down with a grin, placing his lips on hers. Her arms wrapped up and around his neck, deepening the kiss. She giggled into the kiss as he started to tickle her, punishing her for giving his little brat of a sister the idea to wake him up like that.

"Stop it!" She demanded, laughing even harder.

"No, this is what you get!" 

"Juggie!" She whined, finally getting him to stop. "I hate you," She muttered, a grin still plastered on her face.

"No, you don't," He repeated. "Quite the opposite, really," He added, causing her to blush.

He loved how easy it was to make her flush a crimson red. He enjoyed it every time, knowing he was the one who caused it.

"Now, don't ever wake me up like that again, okay?" He spoke, starring down at her.

"You're not a morning person, are you?" She questioned, a smirk rising to her lips.

"Shut up..." He mumbled, leaning down to kiss her, once again.

She smiled into the kiss until it quickly became heated. Well, that was until...

"Betty!...Jughead!" F.P. called out before opening the door. They quickly separated as he stepped in, embarrassed. "I-oh...sorry..." F.P. spoke, shocked by what he saw and quickly left, shutting the door behind himself.

Jughead awkwardly laughed the situation off while Betty, on the other hand, tried to hide herself under the covers from embarrassment.


"I told you he would die!" Jughead stated, his main interest in the movie that he said he would hate, just forty minutes prior.

"Shh!" Jellybean shot back, just as interested in the movie as him.

"Hey!" They both complained as Betty walked in front of the tv, making her way back to her seat next to her boyfriend.

"Sorry..." She mumbled, eating some of the popcorn she just made.

Jughead was about to grab a handful when she swatted his hand away, pulling the bowl closer to herself.

"No, you just yelled at me," She proclaimed.

"Baby, I'm sorry..." He apologized, making her smile at the fairly new nickname.

"You're forgiven," She stated, a smile appearing on his face while taking a handful of the buttery substance. "For now..."

"Shh!' Jellybean repeated, watching the film intensely.

"Was I that bad?" Jughead questioned, referring to how his sister was acting.

"Yes," Betty simply replied, her slight smirk not going unnoticed by the raven-haired boy.

"Sure..." He spoke, a smile rising to his lips.

"I'm not kidding!" She stated, eating another piece.

He chuckled as he pulled her closer towards him, hugging her waist from the side.

"Get a room..." Jellybean mumbled under her breath.

"Shut up," Jughead shot back, throwing a pillow in her direction which hit her perfectly in the back of her head.

"Jughead!" F.P. scolded, walking into the living room where everyone was gathered.

"What?" He questioned, acting as if he did nothing.

"Don't think I didn't see that!" F.P. added, sitting down next to the little girl.

"You're in trouble!" Jellybean chanted, a grin plastered on her face.

"Jellybean," F.P. warned, her grin immediately being wiped away. "So, what are we watching?" He asked, leaning back into the couch.

"The Fault In Our Stars," Jughead complained.

"Hey, you were just zoned into it!" Betty stated, embarrassing her boyfriend a little.

"Shh," He hushed. "That was our little secret," He whispered into her ear, making her giggle.

She quickly kissed his cheek before snuggling back into his embrace, melting into his touch.


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