1. Greetings

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Akira clicked the button in the elevator to take her up to her apartment, sighing. She had 3 brown paper bags of groceries in her small arms. Once the elevator opened, she saw many boxes sitting outside across from her front door. Confused, she walked towards the door across from hers to see an empty apartment with even more boxes. Must be new neighbors, she thought. 

The apartment had been empty since the day she had gotten her apartment. The land lord once said that a couple lived there and were having an unexpected child and needed to move out for more space. Akira secretly hoped that the neighbors didn't have any kids, the walls are paper thin and their cries are heard throughout the whole floor.

She placed the bag of groceries on the ground so she could grab her keys from her pocket. Once she fished her keys out, she unlocked the door, swinging it wide so she had enough room to get in. Akira bent down to grab her groceries when she heard a voice behind her.

"Damn, I'd love to see that everyday." Startled, Akira turned around to see a tall, lanky red head standing behind her, staring at her. "Do you need help?" He gave off a bit of a creepy vibe when he'd squint his eyes at her.

"Um no thanks, I usually don't let creeps in my apartment." She turned so when she bent over, her backside facing her apartment, took her bags and closing the door behind her. As she began to put the groceries away, she thought about going over and helping him. 

I mean, I do have to be nice to my neighbors. Akira sighed, rushing to put her groceries away and disposing of the brown paper bags. She didn't bother changing out of her usual Saturday attire before heading over to greet her new, creepy neighbor. Well, no sign of kids.

When she stepped outside, she saw a large back. A very hot, large back, carrying boxes into the apartment. Akira stared at him as he placed the box down on a coffee table between two couches and looked behind him to see the little woman looking at him in his doorway. When Akira got a look at his face, she got choked up.

"Hello." He said very formally, but Akira couldn't get words out of her mouth. She was staring at him, almost gawking at him. He was super tall and his arms were huge, the t-shirt he was wearing felt like they were suffocating his toned muscles. She swallowed, blinking over and over to get out of her trance.

"Hi, I live across the hall and was here to see the new neighbor, or neighbors." She gave him a nervous smile and he was absolutely clueless as to what was going on.

"Wakatoshi, where did you put the- hey its the hottie from across the hall!" The redhead peaked his head out from one of the doors connected to the living room. He happily walked over and put his hand on the tall man's shoulder. She had just realized the two males were the same height and both almost a foot taller than her.

"This is our neighbor, the hot girl I told you that was outside a few minutes ago." She nervously stood there, the first thing a hot guy heard about her was about her butt!

"So, you both are moving in here together?" She asked, making Tendou soften his face up a bit.

"Yes, but I promise we aren't dating." Tendou joked, making Akira lightly laugh to go along with it.

"I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi." Ushijima stuck his hand out to her and she carefully shook it. God, he has such big hands compared to mine. His name sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Akira is fine." She smiled, even though he gave her his same stoic stare.

"Well since we are on first name basis, I'm Satori." When the two broke their handshake, Tendou walked up and gave Akira a hug. She didn't have time to react, his chin sat on top her head for a second or two, then he pulled away completely. Akira's face was a light shade of pink.

The New Neighbor (USHIJIMA X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें