Chapter 52 - The honeymoon suite

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"Mister De Marco, risen from the dead I see. Well, I hope your so called family emergency was worth missing two weeks of school so close to the finals" my relatively new chemistry teacher, Mister Parkers, asked me. Yeah, he was a human and had yet to learn what kind of power I held in this town. But I liked this. Normally, kids hated it when a teacher was being rude and unfair to them, treating them differently from the others in the worst sense, but I saw it as a challenge. This was a person who looked at me as if I was any other high school student ever and now I had a chance to proof my worth on my own, without them being biased. 

"Sorry Sir, I will catch up with the work" I answered and some of my wolves turned to me, frowning a bit that I, the big bad alpha, was submitting to a human of all people. But the man wanted to be treated with respect, so that is what I did. Chemistry wasn't my best subject, but again, I wasn't planning on taking the finals anyway. It wouldn't help me in the end to be honest. It wasn't like I would go to college and have a job when I grew older or anything like it. I already had a job and that was tougher than most you learn about in school. So I knew my worth, but I had a strange need to feel the approval of this stranger. 

"You sure will! Anyway, now that we can continue, let's read where we have left off on page 47 in your books" the teacher said and I concentrated on that. Ok, I had no clue about chemistry before, but I could do this. If I wanted to earn that man's approval, I just had to be quiet and maybe try and say some things right. Yeah ok, I may have slight daddy issues, but who hasn't, really? I concentrated on the book, trying to understand the words, one of the students was reading aloud, so I could maybe answer some questions, that my teacher had for me. It was a complicated topic, but I really put everything into it to understand it and yeah, I could answer a few questions, when suddenly, there was a loud Bing

And not just one bing. It started with one, then came another and another and another and I realized, that it was me or better, my phone. Somebody was spamming it with messages and I had forgotten to turn it off. Fuck, so much for getting on his good side. Quickly, I fumbled in the pockets of my pants for my phone, trying to turn off the volume, but it was already too late. Everybody had gone quiet, since the bings were pretty loud and when I looked up, that said teacher was standing in front of my table, offering his hand. 

"Give me the phone mister De Marco" the teacher said, as he extended his hand, waiting for me to give him my phone. He was looking up from his glasses and giving me the typical 'I am old and I've had it with your shit' look, that I had seen other kids receive oh so often. I didn't have a chance to look at the texts yet, but luckily most werewolves didn't text me and if Jasper had something to tell me, he would probably let Pax handle it first. So I could only hope he would not reveal something he was not supposed to, but reluctantly, I handed over my phone, praying that it was some weird party group chat I had been added to, who were spamming my phone. 

The teacher took my phone, lowering his glasses to read what was on my phone. I bit my cheek, praying to the goddess, that it wasn't something that could get me in trouble. Mister Parkers looked at me and back at the phone, before he asked "Are you getting married Mister De Marco? Or why is a miss Riley texting you, that she booked the honeymoon suite?" Oh....Oh fuck uhh....well that wasn't bad just private and right in that moment, my phone binged again. 

The teacher looked at the new message, saying "Well well, another message from your fiancé I presume? And when we get there I want you to rail-" He cut himself off, luckily, before reading the next few words, that I could only guess, as he was suddenly turned beet red, clearing his throat a little very uncomfortably. Oh god, kill me now please. But the teacher was more embarrassed than me. "Just turn it off in the future" he hissed at me, giving me back my phone and looking like he was going to die from embarrassment or anger or both. 

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