Chapter 31 - A bond to forget

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It had never been so hard to leave that small blue house at the end of the road behind me and not turn back. I knew it wasn't goodbye and I would always grant Riley his space, he had asked me for it and so I would do what he wanted, because I may not be human, but that didn't mean I couldn't have the morals of one. My chest was feeling tight and my grip on my steering wheel was strong, as all I wanted to do was hug my mate and never let go. 

These were probably the hardest 24 hours he ever had to live through. It may not be painful, like a physical wound, but so much information, the betrayal of his entire family and now me, kind of, that must have been a lot for him. Finding out werewolves exist, he himself is half one and that his soul is basically bound to mine for life, must have been unbelievable and I myself would need some time after that as well, so I tried to tell myself that and it made it easier, but an evil part of me told me, that maybe it really was goodbye. That Riley would come to tell me he never wanted to see me again or couldn't do it and I couldn't even be mad about that. 

It was a long day for me as well and suffering a small but significant heartbreak was weighting on me, so that all that I wanted to do was get in my bed and overthink and sleep or watch reality tv again. But when I got out of my car in front of my house, the two motorcycles of the twins were already waiting for me. Oh fuck I was so not up for company...I just needed my space, like Riley. I could feel his pain, his heartache from here and that didn't make this all much better. I sighed, getting ready for them to bounce on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, I loved them to death, but right now, I just wanted peace and quiet.

Before I even opened my door I could hear them arguing. "No Pax, you will stay right here, its Asher's business, he's the alpha after all!" Cecilia argued. 

"I told you its not! I have it under control, just stop being such a bitch!" Pax boomed back and that surprised me, because Pax never called Cecilia names. He must actually be angry. The next thing I heard was a loud slap and hey, he had it coming. Ok here goes nothing...

When I opened the door and went inside, I didn't have a second before I saw Cecilia storming out of the living room, dragging Pax, who was holding his red cheek angrily, behind her. "Asher! I think you should have a word with your oh so perfect beta, who had a secret meeting with Jasper Sutton yesterday behind your back" Cecilia said and I wondered if she was also that kind of sibling, that would most definitely rat you out to your parents, but maybe she really just thought this was important to the pack. 

"It wasn't secret! He just showed up at my door, ok?? Just let it go, I have it under control and it is none of your business" Pax argued, pulling himself out of his sister's grip as they came to a halt in front of me. "None of my business? Pax you hate the guy and tried to kill him on numerous occasions, you could start a fucking war, of course it is my business! Asher, please, help me here!" Cecilia urged and I was honestly just tired. This did seem important, but they were talking so fast and loudly, I didn't even have the time to form an opinion about this yet. 

"No Asher, I swear I wasn't killing him, even though I very much wanted to I just- Damn it Cecilia can you just stay out of my stuff!! I wasn't doing anything that could harm the pack, Jesus! Asher you have to believe me!" Pax yelled, looking kind of distressed. Now that I was actually looking at him, he seemed pretty overwhelmed and like he hadn't slept in a long time. He looked pale, expect for the red handprint on his cheek his sister had left behind and he seemed nervous. 

"Ok everybody just calm down. Pax, I believe you. Ok, uhm... ok, not as your alpha, but as your best friend I am asking you for a private conversation. Don't worry, you aren't in any kind of trouble, I just need to have a talk with you" I said and Pax groaned, hands on his hips, as he seemed to sweat, that was how anxious he was. He took a moment to think about it, biting his lip nervously and probably having an internal fight with Rush, his wolf, before he nodded in agreement. 

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