Chapter 5 - Fate is a sarcastic bitch

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Yes I realized, that I was staring right at them like a complete creep, just watching them make out. I would have paid attention to the anger that was slowly building up inside of me at the sight of my mate getting touched by somebody else, if I wasn't too hung up on the fact, that my mate, of all people in the whole god damn wide world, had to be the only person I had ever hated enough to consider deserting my morals and actually killing them. 

And now, while I was looking at him, frozen in shock, I had to fight the strong urge to just push Sawyer away and hold that arrogant little fucker of a human against my chest, never letting go. In fact, the urge was so strong, I had never felt anything like it. I wanted to go, leave and look away, but just the thought of turning away from the source of that strong electric feeling inside of me, made me nauseous. Or maybe it was simply the fact, that none other than Riley Perry was my fucking mate. 

They just kept making out and Riley release low sweet moans, that angered me. Yes, they angered me, because he was making them for somebody else. For his boyfriend, yes, but try telling that my wolf, that was growling in anger. I didn't want to feel this way, not because of Riley, the guy I had literally hated for three years with a burning passion and who hated me too, but to be honest I just did. 

Because he was my mate and the bond was already so much stronger than I could have ever imagined. I wanted to hold him, I wanted to be near him and so much closer than I already was. I suddenly didn't see that small human anymore, who disrespected me any chance he had and who made my life in school a living hell, just with his presence. All I saw was my mate and that I needed his touch, my scent all over him and his scent close to me. The hatred buried so deep in my emotions caused by the mating bond, I forgot for a second how he had even managed to anger me, ever.

Suddenly, Riley opened his eyes to release another moan, as Sawyer started working my mates neck with his lips. And then, our eyes met. And now the pull I felt towards him was so so much more intense. It hurt to look at him and not be able to warp my arms around him, even though this had been the guy I hated so much, I even considered dropping out of school at one point, just to get away from him for good, even if that would have meant for me to just train even harder that I already was. 

But now I was looking into his dark and big brown eyes and all I felt was that I wanted him, that I needed him. Those eyes were suddenly the origin of my happiness and I needed them to be mine. Riley stared at me and for a second I didn't see the same hatred flare in his eyes as I always would, when our gazes met in the hallway or in class. Now, they just looked back at me and for a split second, I felt warmer, like I was finally and truly home and happy. Like he felt it too and everything was going to be alright. 

But then, Rileys eyes widened as the realization of me, his mortal enemy, watching him make out with his boyfriend behind the school like a creep, set in. He looked mortified, scared and confused, as he started patting Sawyers shoulder, trying to get him to stop attacking his neck with kisses. When his boyfriend didn't budge, probably not understanding the signal, he started hitting him a bit harder, but all I could do was concentrate on him. I should have turned around and ran away. 

I should have done anything other but stand there and just look at him with a mixture of confusion, anger, shock, as much as I hated thinking that. All I could hear, was his slightly fast heartbeat, his scent was tormenting my nose and the thought MATE, never left my mind once. "Claim him! Claim him!! Come on little guy, there is our mate! Just please, go to him!" Dixon pleaded, trying to push forward, but I held him back, trying to think straight again. 

"No- I- him?! Why- he is not even a werewolf, he's a human! I-" I stuttered in my head, trying to calm Dixon down, but all it did was stir him up even more. After a few more firm hits from Riley, Sawyer finally stopped and looked at his boyfriend, probably thinking he did something wrong, but when he followed his wide-eyed gaze and spotted me, he immediately pulled away from my mate, which helped me calm down just a little tiny bit. 

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