Chapter 2 - Stay silent

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I could feel the stares. They wouldn't dare to approach me, at least not the regular werewolves or humans, but still, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I tried to shrug the feeling of getting watched off, taking a deep breath as I walked to class, Pax right next to me. I could feel him eye me as well, but because he probably sensed my discomfort and he too was smart enough to not address the matter. As we entered the classroom, the staring didn't decrease, in contrary actually. They probably pitied me for my parents death, but they really shouldn't. 

Of course everybody in my pack knew that my parents were killed when they were in Florence to meet with the Fontana family to make some deal. But it was a trap and they were brutally murdered when they met with the leaders of the Blood Stone pack, Juliana and Maximus Fontana, in their head quarters. My uncle has advised them to not go or at least take some security with them, but the Fontana's were pretty serious about them coming alone and they were much weaker than our pack, so the risk was low. They wanted to join forces and rule the world, while my parents planned on doing exactly that and then killing the Fontanas one day to rule by themselves. 

But they were killed basically the second they stepped foot into their territory. Funny enough, I originally was supposed to come with them, but the elders managed to talk them into letting at least the future alpha stay behind, as a safety pin. And they did. Now they are dead and I am alive. The young wolves from my pack, that I go to school with, probably pity me for losing my parents, but on the other hand, maybe not. They knew how strict they were and maybe also thought I would be happy, since this made me their alpha. 

To the humans of the school, they told the story of my parents dying  in a car crash in Italy, so no wonder those showed a little more pity towards me. Although I was the most respected and feared guy in this school, they maybe thought this would bring out my soft side. It didn't. It didn't make me angry or anything it was just...another part of my life I would have to live through. Thats it. The part that worried me more was the whole coronation thing. Just a few more days and I would officially be alpha of my pack and maybe Cecilia would be my luna. My last days with my little bit of freedom. 

I took a seat in the back, where they couldn't look at me without being totally obvious. The guy next to me visibly freaked out, knowing I would be sitting next to him this whole lesson and I think I recognized him to be one of my new omegas. He was small and looked a bit weak, but he shouldn't be this frightened. I wouldn't bother him if he wouldn't bother me. I actually liked that he was the one sitting next to me, because he seemed like a clever guy, who didn't want to disrespect his alpha and kept silent for his sake. 

But my bubble bursted as Pax squeezed through the desks and students, literally shoving the poor kid out of his seat. He fell with a squeak, landing on his butt and now looking even more terrified, because our beta has noticed him. "Pax man, what the fuck?" I asked, normally not being so vulgar, but how he treated that poor kid actually angered me. Pax took his seat and the omega quickly grabbed his backpack, running towards the empty seat at the front. I stared at Pax in disbelieve, as he got out a toothpick and held it between his teeth. He actually thought that would make him look tougher. I think he looked like a farmer, but ok. 

As Pax noticed my glare he said "What? Oh come on Asher, I have to sit next to you" he said and I sighed. Pax leaned over as he whispered "Orders from your advisors" he said, making me groan. I wanted to argue, that I was still the alpha, well soon to be alpha and they couldn't rule over me like that. I wanted to say, that he could have asked the kid nicely instead of shoving him like he wasn't a living creature. But I kept quiet. I have always been more on the quiet side and after my parents death, I have retreated inside my brain even more. There would come a time, sooner rather than later, where I would have to yell over a crowd of werewolves every day, so I wanted to cherish this time, where saying nothing was just as acceptable. 

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