Chapter 22 - Friends without Benefits

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"Oh god" Riley said lowly as he already saw his sister anxiously waiting in front of the little blue house, as we were approaching with my car. My mate glanced over at me, seeming mortified that his sister was acting so over protectively, which he probably thought made him appear as weak, but I was well aware that Riley was none of that. I rather found it reassuring, that I wasn't the only one who was always worried sick about this beautiful human, inside and out, and that he lived in a home, where he seemed loved and protected. 

"Does she think I kidnapped you or...." I trailed, because the way she was nervously tapping her foot made me question, if Riley had actually told his parents where he was or not. I mean, he surly used to spend a lot of nights at Sawyer's or sometimes maybe parties, I didn't quite understand why this was now different, but then again, would I trust myself if I was her? Probably not. "I did send a text to my family's group chat, but maybe didn't read it" he signed, now probably more than ever afraid to use his voice and stir maybe false hope. 

I, of course, knew that that hope wasn't false, because the mating bond was obviously healing him and even if he was to break the bond, he would not turn mute again. What is once healed can't go back sick unless you make it. The bond was no such thing to do that. "So I won't get arrested when I step out of this car" I stated and at first Riley chuckled at my joke, before the realization dawned on him, but I had already parked my car, unbuckling my seat belt. 

"Wait- You are going too?" he asked lowly, almost a whisper, but I heard it as I opened my door, winking at him. "Just want you to get home safe" I said, but that was a lie. I just wanted to spend as much time with Riley as possible and also, I wanted to assure his sister, that he was always safe with me, she could trust me. I yearned to get his family's blessing, even though Riley and I were nothing but friends at the moment and they didn't even know that there was a possibility to more than that. Thankfully, they didn't seem to be homophobic, otherwise Riley would have probably not started dating Sawyer so publicly when he was only fifteen. 

"But its just across the street!" Riley argued, his hand movements, as he signed, showing how displeased he was, but his emotions told me something else. Because Riley seemed to kind of want me to meet his family as well. Maybe so I would understand him even more. Maybe so I would love them as much as he did. Maybe just to test the waters, how a relationship with me would go. Whatever it was, I was all here for it. "A lot can happen when you cross a street. Come on Bambi, she looks like she is about to faint of worry" I said and Riley sighed, rolling his eyes as if he already knew how hopeless it was to argue with my stubbornness. As if he had done it all his life and that not only made me chuckle, but fill my heart with warmth and hope. 

We walked across the street together, enough apart to not raise unwanted attention, but Lynn was already walking in our direction, the worry so visible on her face, it reminded me of myself whenever I saw Riley in pain or torn between me and Sawyer. As she was approaching, Riley cleared his throat and when I glanced at him he pointed at it, slightly shaking his head. I knew what he meant and so I wouldn't bring up his new found ability to speak. Apparently, they were already happy with just that one sound he had been able to make and I understood that with him still fearing that he would lose it again, this was too much pressure at once. 

"Are you ok? Fuck Riley I was so worried about you! You just texted that you were staying the night at a friends house and when I texted Sawyer, asking if you were with him, he said you guys broke up and I thought you had ran off and- I don't know, don't do that to me! I was worried sick!" she said gently, laying a hand on Riley's shoulder more to reassure herself that he was here and fine. Her gaze met mine, understandably confused as to why of all people he had apparently gone to me for a place to stay, but decided Riley's answer was more important. 

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