The Cast

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WARNING: This is a boyxboy story and contains the relationship between two males, as well as sexual scenes between those. Further, this story contains strong language, homophobic slurs, violent scenes and covers topics such as several mental illnesses, mental and physical abuse as well as homophobia. Read with caution.


Ok, now that we have that out of the way: Hello everybody and welcome to my new book here on Wattpad "Tainted Love"!! Down below, I have portrayed the main characters of this book (parents not included). If you would rather leave that open for the imagination, you can skip this chapter, but below the pictures, I wrote some information about the characters, that might be interesting nevertheless.

So maybe you would like to come back to this chapter after reading some more.

I wanted to try something new, so let me welcome you to the first werewolf story I have ever written. I have read a lot of those here on Wattpad and did my research as well as asked some friends of mine, that know the topic well enough, so mistakes shouldn't occur, but if they do, please don't feel shy to point them out for me!

I hope you enjoy! I am so excited for this book and I hope you are too! Lets do this then.

PS: English is not my first language, so some grammar and spelling mistakes will most likely occur and you can point them out to me at any point 

Asher (Hale) De Marco

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Asher (Hale) De Marco

-Age: 17 (soon 18)

-Height: 6,3

-Facts: Alpha of the Black Moon Pack, would like his pack to turn good, hates that stupid human Riley, is supposed to be mated to Cecilia (his best friend)

-Bad Habits: very secretive, suppresses his emotions, still listens to what his family says 

-Likes: going for a run with his wolf Dixon, being alone, being respected

-Dislikes: disrespectful little humans like Riley, having to run a 'mafia' pack, raw fish

-Random Fact: Has seen more people die by the age of 6 than he had read books

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