Chapter 3 - The sound of Freedom

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"Ok everybody! Today we will be doing races. Now I know you boys are not looking forward to this, but its part of the curriculum. So, to warm up, I have prepared a few endurance exercises you will be doing in pairs, which I will call out now. So, first up we have Max and Parker, Justin and Kyle, Theodor and-" our PE teacher called, but I had already stopped listening. The only challenge with PE was trying not to let my extra powers show and making the humans suspicious. And not killing Riley. 

Yes, I had the pleasure of being in the same PE class as that obnoxious ass. One of the only classes next to English, thank god. I could not stand him all day or else I would have already changed schools. Well, the first year he spend at this school, we had almost every class together, but by the end I basically begged, or more like ordered, the principal to separate us as much as possible and so he did. Just PE and English was the time I would be tortured with his presence but fine, I could do that. In PE, the werewolves were always paired with others from our pack, because of the equal strength and Pax was mostly with me, since he was the second strongest wolf in the pack and the only one really able to keep up. 

"Hey man, you ok? You seem stressed" Pax asked through the link, while we sat at the bench, waiting for coach to say our names. I sighed, glancing at Riley, who stood next to some of the jock humans, who all seemed happy to be in his presence. Werewolf or not, everybody loved that guy and I didn't understand why. Well I guess if he wasn't disrespecting you, maybe you could say he was nice, but to me, he was an arrogant brat, who didn't know his place. 

"I'm just stressed about the coronation. I'm fine" I replied and Pax scoffed, knowing me too well. He patted my shoulder, before saying "Lighten up Ash. At least you will be an alpha in two days. And I will be your beta. And hey, maybe we will find our mates?" Yeah, my mate. I did not know if I even wanted to find her. My advisors would probably urge me to kill her and maybe, I would find the strength to do so. But I couldn't make Cecilia my luna. Not because of me, but I couldn't do that to her. I knew it wasn't what she really wanted and so really the only way was to not find my mate and tell everybody I was still searching for her, when in reality, it was just better to be alone. 

"Pax and Fort and lastly, we have Asher and Riley" the coach said and my head snapped towards my human teacher, growling "What?!" This had to be a mistake! I was always with Pax and if he wasn't there then maybe a warrior like Parker or Fort but way in hell would I spend this lesson with him! But I wasn't the only one displeased with the situation. Because a furious Riley stormed towards the coach, carrying his little board with him, because this was the only class he had without Sawyer and so he needed another form of communicate. Sometimes he just used his phone, but mostly, he used the board. He was frantically writing something on it, before showing it to the coach. 

"I'm sorry Riley, but I can't do that. I have purposely paired people that normally wouldn't train together. You can learn from one another" Mr Lanon said and I stood up, pacing over to them. "Mr Lanon, with all due respect, but I have always been paired up with Pax! The principal ordered it that way and don't you think it makes sense? Look at Riley, I could crush him with my finger, it wouldn't be safe" I said and Riley flipped me off, his eyes screaming anger. 

"And what does that mean?" I asked, referring to his sign language and giving him one last chance to not insult me. 

Riley scribbled something down on his board, before turning it so I could read Fuck You, written across it. "Likewise" I growled and the teachers sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright you two, quit it. And to answer your question Asher, yes, normally you would be paired with Pax, but today we want to challenge ourselves, alright? This is not up for debate, so I would advice you to find a spot in the gym to start the exercises. Come on now!" Mr Lanon said and I clenched my jaw. Another human disrespecting me. The only thing pleasant about this was, that he was actually talking to me like any other student. It was refreshing and so close to the coronation actually not that uncomfortable. 

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