Chapter 24 - Looking out for you

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Sawyer was back. It was now Monday and I had already seen him. Surprisingly, he didn't glare at me, he didn't even acknowledge my existence, even while Riley was standing right next to me. He didn't look at him either. And my mate, he was so incredibly hurt. I guess he had expected him to yell at him and maybe that would have been easier for Riley, since he thought he deserved that, but Sawyer was too hurt to look at the person, that broke his heart, making Riley feel only more guilty. 

He just walked past us and towards his first class, which was with Riley. Maybe he would have looked at him, if I wouldn't have stood right there. We had agreed not to hang out in school to not hurt Sawyer even more, but we didn't think he would be back so soon. Riley had just come to thank me again for the invitation to the ball and that he had fun, when his ex boyfriend walked in, just holding onto his backpack and looking at nobody at all. The guy was crushed, everybody knew that, but Riley truly felt his pain, knowing he was the cause. 

I looked at my mate worriedly, as he gazed after Sawyer, hurt flickering in his eyes. I laid a hand on his back, making him look at me and now I fully saw the pain that was tormenting his innocent heart, that I hoped to capture one day. "Are you ok?" I asked, hoping he would allow me in and tell me the truth. My mate exhaled, shaking his head, but trying to be calm about it, because he thought he wasn't allowed to feel any pain, since it was all his doing. 

"He didn't even look at me" he said lowly and I stroke his back, still keeping my distance to not let him believe I was only comforting him to get something out of this myself. I only wanted him to be happy, even if it wasn't with me. "Are you sure you are ready for this? Its ok if you aren't, you could go home and rest. It is ok to not be ok you know" I said and Riley chuckled weakly, nodding his head. 

"I have to do it sometime....might as well now" he shrugged, his voice low and not only because his voice was still so weak, but also because he didn't have the strength to make himself heard. Riley knew he would have to sit next to Sawyer, if his ex boyfriend wouldn't ask for a new seat, which would also hurt Riley. But I guess sitting next to him and getting ignored wasn't much better. My mate had known this moment would come and he was acting mature for not running away, but then again, he was allowed to be hurt and take his time to face the ghosts he left behind. 

"Do you need anything? Should I leave you alone?" I asked carefully, because Sawyer had already seen us together, even if we were only talking. But then again, Riley was talking, so the fact that Sawyer didn't whip his head around at that made it all the more clear, how completely broken he was. He loved Riley and Riley loved him. It seemed like they would last. Until I came along and that hurt me too. Riley smiled shyly, not wanting to hurt me, but he wouldn't by telling me to keep my distance. 

"We could meet after school though? Spend the day together?" he signed, again discouraged to use his voice this much. I smiled at his words, that tried to make me happy, but seemed to excite him as well, even in his current state. Truth was, I wanted nothing more than spending time with Riley. It seemed like he started liking me more and more, but I didn't want to push him. Just because I was already there, didn't mean he had to catch up with his feelings so quickly. I would let him take this at his pace, but he seemed to want this, to meet me again, so I nodded. 

"That would be great. How about we meet at my car after school? We could get something to eat whatever you want" I smiled and Riley chuckled, grinning from ear to ear now at the idea of spending a day just with me and my heart was pounding against my chest. "Ok" he said shyly, taking his backpack, ready to head to class, since it was about to start, but I reached for his arm, holding him for a moment, as I looked at him intently. 

"If you don't feel comfortably or just want to get out, text me, ok? I will be there if you need me" I said and Riley nodded, showing me a warm and appreciative smile, as he walked away with a heavy heart, that was only beating a little faster than normal, because of the baffling excitement he felt thinking about our afternoon activities. I headed off to class, thinking about anything but chemistry right now. 

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