Chapter 7 - Flowers and Nutella

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"Do you really think you are ready to be know who yet?" Pax asked, glancing around to see if anybody was listening. We were standing in front of the school, waiting for Cecilia, who had apparently bought herself that motorcycle she had always dreamed of and would be arriving any minute now, at least that's what she had announced through the mind link. I glanced at the door, knowing exactly that Riley was already inside, because I could smell his scent, but also...well Sawyers car was parked right next to me and he always gave Riley a ride. 

"Yeah...I know I can control myself I just...hope I'm not too obvious. I have to act like I always do or else somebody might get suspicious. Then again, I want to try and get Riley to at least stop hating me...but I have no idea how to do that. Hell, I don't even know why he dislikes me so much in the first place! He had hated me from the moment he saw me and I just hated him because of that..." I said and Pax pressed his lips together into a thin line, putting his hands on his hips as he exhaled. I frowned at the weird action, but I guess Pax was just not that great with emotions and all of that. He wanted to help, but trying to be sensitive was never something anybody had taught us to do. 

"I don't know Ash, I wish I could tell you. Its like your sheer existence is triggering something in him, that makes him wish for your immediate and brutal death. Sorry to tell you, but I have no idea how you have earned yourself that title. And as for not making him hate you, I don't know, just try to be nice I guess? Maybe don't call him an asshole or shit you normally do and maybe he at least stops hating the mere thought of you" Pax said and I chuckled, patting his shoulder. 

"Thanks man, you really know how to cheer somebody up" I smiled and Pax's eyes widened at the realization that he, once again, missed the exit to a sensitive and helpful advice. But I knew he didn't mean it like that and it was pretty realistic. Riley hated me and as much as it made my heart ace right now, the only thing I could do was try and get him to at least not want to puke when he spotted me. After I had seen him being himself when I sat in front of his house the other night, like a total creep, I know, I realized that despite the fact, that it would be difficult and probably useless, I at least needed to try and fight to get my mate or else I would probably live a miserable life, filled with even more pain than I was already living in. 

Just in that moment, the loud engine of a motorcycle made a few students jump, letting Cecilia, unfazed by their reaction, park her new Beaty. I couldn't help but chuckle at how over dramatic of an entrance that just was, especially when Cecilia took off her helmet, shaking her short bob like in any movie ever. "Why does she have to be so embarrassing?" Pax groaned, trying to hide his face and I could only smile at the petty twin feud they had always had. I mean, they were friends, otherwise it would have been impossible to hang out with the two of them for all those years. But for the moments they were inseparable and the power siblings of our pack, there were also the moments they were just your regular easily annoyed siblings. Try hanging out with them every day of your life.

"Hello losers. Were you waiting for me or do you just enjoy the smell of gasoline and the sound of loud kids?" Cecilia asked and I chuckled. "Hey you! Welcome back from the dead! Did you really have a bad 'werewolf flu' or was my brother lying again?" Cecilia asked and I looked at my Beta, frowning, because that was the excuse he had come up with? But I mean, at least he covered for me, so I guess I would have to go with it. "Uh was..really bad you know...just...sneezing and...a fever and all that" I said and Cecilia narrowed her eyes, nodding. 

"Yeah right, ok, so don't tell me then" she said and I chucked, because of course she would have seen through that. I extended my arm for her to take, like we always did. "No need Ash, tomorrow is our birthday and I think I don't want to seem like I'm already taken when I meet my mate. I think that could anger and upset them, don't you think?" Cecilia asked and I clenched my jaw. Oh if she only knew how right she was. The mere thought of Sawyer getting to call Riley his boyfriend, touch him and love him made my wolf and me growl in anger and I had to use a lot of strength to not just find the poor guy and tear him to pieces. It wasn't his fault, but try telling that my wolf.

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