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Today I turned into 29 years old woman

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Today I turned into 29 years old woman. But that's not what was making me excited. Birthdays were never my thing and I hated that day the most in my life. The reasons might be various. One being the unnecessary attention I get out of nowhere from all around the places. The same people who don't give a shit about me on the rest of the days call me or message me. I don't understand why to bother on my birthday as well. What's so special about it anyway. I rolled my eyes at the thought and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Oh! Wait, I forgot to tell you about the actual thing which was making me excited today. Today I will be celebrating the success of my first ever novel. The murder mystery which shook me from top to bottom a decade back. The characters are a bit different on the pages. Some are new additions while some old ones remained. The story is written with extra drama and minuting a few real facts but the main thing remained the same. I changed the ending for Hope and her Arnon as it didn't feel like adding more sadness to the already saddened story. Why I chose Arnon? Because it means roaring fire and that's how Aiden was. 

It still sends a shiver through me whenever I remember those incidents. I didn't visit Northwood again until a year back when I thought about rewinding those chapters of my life. I wanted to visit mainly when I thought of writing the book to let go of those fears but most importantly I wanted to go closer and check if I was actually fine being in Northwood again. I visited my house which has been closed ever since we left. It sent a sudden rush of so many emotions making me tear up. I walked through the woods which weren't creepy anymore. I smiled remembering about the times I ran through them. The hideout in the woods still was the same with more algae and fungi on it but it felt the happiest. That creepy grasshopper was still there making me a freak. The mountain now looked happily roaring as it smiled back at me. I felt as if the whole Northwood was being happy seeing me just how I was feeling at that time. I walked through those paths again. It felt the same but the town was changed drastically. Visiting Northwood after years was tough with so many memories so close to my heart. Tougher than I ever thought it would be but I had my dearie on my side. But I realized I was happiest there and that town never left me. London never felt that closer.

After leaving Northwood, it was hard for me to get settled in London. Especially when the nightmares used to follow me everywhere I go. I started doubting the crowd. My hallucinations worsen with time. I used to see my mom cursing me for living with the man who killed her. It was scary. Jane as I call my step-mom now have stayed by my side throughout just like the best friend she has always been. I was glad for that and I am better now. She recently got married again and now I have an annoying little sister. She is sweet and we share a friendly bond. I am happy about this new addition to my family. In fact, both David and Amelia are sweethearts. They have been my additional supporters as well. 

The first year in London was rough. I joined my new school to complete the final year and met a few new friends. But none of them got closer as to how Emily, Edmund and Aiden were to me. I faced mental issues and studying subjects got tougher because of the same. But I survived well I would say. I did well academically than I thought I would initially.

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