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We need to buckle up and fasten our movements as Davis' have come out in open and they will do anything to save themselves so we need to do the same to save our lives. And that's possible only when we will expose them. But sadly we don't have anything against them. Police have already raided that place in past but haven't found a thing that will connect Elijah or Tyler with any of the murders. That just states one thing. Either they have their den set somewhere else or they have gotten rid of all the things that would bind them with Mr Gracias or Doppler. I'm just praying it's the first case as we can't afford the later. We need something against them which would destroy them completely and we need to find that something sooner, else we are doomed in a big way. We have decided to stay alert in the coming days as it's the need of the hour. The moment we let our guards loose they will attack us and that too with full force this time. I have gotten to know one thing today and that is there is no backing out from this mess at this point. I have gone too far already and I just can't go back to where it was. I can't unsee the things neither I can forget anything so I just have to walk forward if I really want to get out of it. There is definitely no other alternative to this.

I let out a deep sigh and looked at myself in the mirror as I was done braiding my hairs. I got up to get my backpack and raincoat. The rain was lighter today but enough to make us drench. Besides we need hoods above the head as we are going to break into Elijah's den. I pulled my black raincoat over me closing the buttons of it. I peeked out of the window to get some idea about the outside. I hope security outside would be on lose considering it's around 2 in the night. The one thing I am glad about this night is that I won't get a nightmare today. I haven't told this to anyone or even let it show anytime. I don't want people to keep worrying about me when there is so much going on with them. So coming back to the adventure we are going to have today, Aiden and Edmund kept eye on Elijah throughout the week after school or sometimes before coming over. They sometimes used to go in lunch break around the area of Tyler's club or at his house in the downtown. And finally, it was concluded that his hideout was in the alley near the old town where there wasn't rush around. That area was closed a few years back after the river water broke into the town and made a huge loss. People lost their business as well as homes. I don't understand how people built their homes there as that has always been a sensitive area. Nevertheless, so we are on the mission to go there today on this dark night. The school will be closed tomorrow considering its weekend so we won't look zombies sitting in the classroom as well.

The dim light of the gasoline lamp was brightening the garden and surrounding it in light-yellow. I saw the security guards on the move as they were making rounds turn by turn. The police officers don't come here anymore as there have been no breakouts in the house for a few days now. I still keep everything ready beside my bed in case someone shows up anytime. It does freak me out to stay in this room but I have adjusted now. I closed the window shut and locked it from inside and moved towards the door to go out. I opened the door and peeked through it and thankfully there was pitch black outside. I took steps out still roaming my eyes around to check if anyone shows up in the dark and closed the door again slowly without making a single sound. I walked towards the staircase which will lead me down and gradually descended with my gaze continuously wandering through the house. This house sure looks like it has come straight out of some horror movie. Dark, haunted and creepy. The feels got stronger after the recent events that happened here. This place creeps me out and it will continue to haunt me until everything is settled at least. I hope it will stop at least after that.

I sneaked out of the main door carefully and closed it shut behind slowly. I looked on both sides. The guards were at the gate discussing something. I grabbed this moment and moved towards the bushes and hid behind them. I didn't move for some time. My heart was thudding inside my chest with all the nervousness building inside of me. I carefully straighten my neck and looked towards the gate. The guards were still discussing. I took this opportunity and ran towards the big tree inside the garden making sure I remain in shadow. But I think they saw something or suspected. They moved their gazes in my direction and took the lamps in their hands looking around. Shit! I am in deep shit. Someone needs to save me else I would definitely ruin everything. I just don't know how the killer was able to handle things at this time at night. I tried to peek through the wood of the tree and saw the shadows of the two security guards fallen on the ground. They were standing still. I guess looking around but then one started moving and coming in my direction. I held my breaths and looked around for something though I don't know what exactly I was looking for. Just stay calm, Faith! and think of something so he will buy it. My mind started running rapidly to find any kind of excuse but then I heard a noise coming from the woods. I looked to the side in terror.

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