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My eyes were swollen from crying as I sat on the bench outside the operating room. Emily was ok now and she gained consciousness sometimes back. I was relieved for that but Aiden was still unconscious and lose a lot of blood. He was making me worried now as he wasn't gaining consciousness even after a few hours. His mother and father sat at some distance from me along with my parents. Everyone looked worried. No one was in the state to comment anything so Mr Moore refrained himself from asking any questions which were one thing I was thankful for.

I saw Emily in the corridor while walking towards me. I gave her a worried gaze when she sat beside me on the bench.

"Take a rest. Why are you out?" I asked with a frown. She chuckled.

"Look who is asking," She said and rolled her eyes as she continued, "You are hurt more than me and I know you are in deep pain physically as well as mentally." I sighed. What she said was true. I was drained completely. I was tired and I just hope that someone finds Evans and lock him up so he won't come out ever.

"I have told Dad about Evans which he didn't believe much at first but have said that he will look into the same," Emily said again, "He tried to get in touch with him but he is nowhere to be found." A fear crept across me. Did he go to the woods again? I don't want to go back home.

"I don't know where he vanished," Emily said sighing a little. I looked to the side at Edmund who was in shock as he sat alone looking at the door and anticipation when will it open.

"How is Aiden?" Emily asked me. I moved my gaze to meet her. She looked worried as her eyes moved between me and Edmund.

"Still unconscious," I said feeling some deep pain inside me. Just wake the fuck up, Aiden! Please. A tear rolled down my eyes and I was quick to wipe it.

"Did he actually stabbed him?" Emily asked carefully. I could sense the sadness in her voice. I nodded looking down as the flashes from the evening came in front of me.

Aiden, Evans, that dragger, and loads of blood. I shivered when the last look Aiden gave me came in front of me again. I sniffed as a sob left my mouth. I wiped my face and felt Emily's hand over my shoulder.

"Yes, there was blood. A lot of it," I said and sniffed hard again, "I thought I might faint."

"God! I should have hit that bastard before," Emily said clenching her fist tight. I sniffed again.

"Don't worry. Our boy is a fighter and he will be back standing on his feets tomorrow," Emily said but I know she is equally worried and scared. I can feel her.

"I really hope so. I am scared. I can't lose him now," I said shaking my head rapidly.

"You won't. Relax," Emily said when the door got opened and the doctor came out along with a nurse.

We all got up and looked at him holding our breaths. Mr Wright ran towards him and asked the only question we all were having in our minds right now. Doctor sighed.

"There are a few stitches across his face and on the stomach but we are glad that his organs are fine and nothing was triggered in there," Doctor said putting a small smile.

"Then why is he not waking up?" Mrs Wright asked through her tears.

"Ma'am, I understand your concern but he has lost a lot of blood..." The doctor was saying but Mrs Wright didn't let him complete.

"When will he wake up?" She asked.

"I am not sure but we have kept him under observation. Hopefully, he will soon enough," he said with a nod and excused himself. I sighed looking at his helpless parents. I am holding on my sorrow but what about them?

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