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I put my books in the locker and took out the ones I will be needing for the homework. I stuffed everything inside my backpack and made my way outside the building. Mr Dorris hasn't arrived yet and I wouldn't blame him as my last lecture got cancelled so I got no other option but to wait at least for the next hour. I made my way towards the playground where groups of boys and girls are practising for the upcoming matches. I never took part in any kind of sports but I have always been in the audience. After all, they are equally important for the matches. I mean who will motivate the player with the shouting and make their game better? I chuckled at my own stupid thoughts.

I walked towards the benches and got seated looking ahead at the Football team practising. Aiden was the captain of the team. I didn't understand the game yet even after watching it for the years. Aiden explained me everything many a time but in the end, he just gave up on me. So yes, I am one of that useless audience who watch the game just for the players. Not players actually, but just one. The captain! I saw some girls sitting outside and giggling as they looked at the boys in their jersey. I know they drooled over Aiden as well and sometimes it made me insecure watching them getting closer to him or flirting but my boy always had his eyes for me just like now. He looked at me with a slight smile which I returned but he immediately got back to his coach who was explaining something with the ball in his hand.

The boys were nodding in understanding as the coach spoke. I looked around the surroundings. It was surprisingly sunny today though the air was kind of moist shouting it has been raining throughout the night. It felt good to see Sun shining above us after long. There was no wind today and sky was looking crystal clear but it's no guarantee that it won't rain in the next hour.

The humidity in the air was making me sweat like a pig and I was glad that I thought of tieing my hair into two braids. I removed the jacket and kept it to the side resting it on the backpack which I kept beside me before sitting down here. I adjusted my skirt and put one leg on another and kept looking at the boys as they got dismissed by the couch. I saw some stares coming by my side but I wasn't paying much attention to them. I am glad Emily wasn't here else she would have started with her flirting right away with anyone literally. That girl is just so easy when it comes to the boys while their stares make me uncomfortable most of the time. I become self-conscious.

"I didn't expect you to be here today," Aiden said taking a seat beside me. He was looking exhausted with sweat dripping from his forehead. I turned to my side and took a water bottle out.

I offered him and he took it giving me a thankful smile. I smiled back at him.

"Yup, Mrs Waters cancelled her class for some reason so I had an off. I was hoping to find you here," I said with a shrug when he finished my whole bottle which I filled just a few minutes back but it's okay, I don't complain.

Aiden handled me the bottle back as I closed it and stuffed inside my bag again.

"Are you free now or it is still left?" I asked again. He shook his head adjusting his band on the hand.

"Nope. I'm free," He said and looked at me. For the first time in days, they were full of warmth for me. I smiled unexpectedly as he raised his eyebrows questioning me. I chuckled at my stupidity and shook my head slightly.

"Jake?" I asked and he let out a sigh looking ahead.

"Don't worry," he said in a low voice. I am glad to hear that. I didn't say anything further and just stayed there looking at him. His blue orbs kept moving with unsurety. He had so much hidden inside him but he won't let it out. Something is bothering him and I would just pray to God that he hasn't entangled himself in something which is beyond my imagination.

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