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I took out the cassette and turned it around fitting the other side into the walkman. I put on the headphones on as Ghost Town played on it. I let out a sigh looking around. This is not less than any ghost town now as even standing alongside the river alone lying my back on my bicycle freaks me out. I have been continuously moving my gaze around the surrounding just to make sure I am safe here. Although there are many bypassers I still am full of doubts. Anyone can be, right? After the things happened in the past days. I didn't tell mom or dad about the cheat I got the other day as I might have gotten caught for going to Mr Gracia's house just like that. They would have banned me from going outside ever and I don't want that.

Aiden was against the idea but it's Aiden and I have the upper hand, always have had. It takes me no time to blackmail him with my overflowing emotions and he did agree even though he was frustrated and pissed off with my decision. He stormed out of the house as soon as mom came back. Mom did question me about it but I winded up saying we argued over stupid stuff and she laughed it out. I was glad for that. And since then Aiden has vanished. I thought of going to the court today as mentioned by Tyler but dropped the idea of going alone. Tyler creeps me out for some reason. His laughter. It's weird and even though I don't want to admit it, it does remind me of that shadow in the window. Thought Tyler is too dumb for that in my opinion. He won't be able to dodge the security that easily. But the question still remains as to how he manages to come every freaking time without getting noticed? How does he know the ways too well? He has been guarding for long no doubt about it. Aiden saw someone running to the backside but got vanished somewhere inside the woods. The guard, yes there is only one who knows about the stone though I didn't tell him about the paper and what's written inside in the fear that he might tell dad or mom or both. But he will soon and I am pretty sure about it. I will see it when happens but till then I am going to keep my search on. That note from the killer or whoever was it has just invoked me to go deeper when I never thought about it at the start.

That's how I am! I am stubborn and I like to go against what people ask me to do. That just provokes me more even when I had no intentions before. I will willingly go deeper to disclose what they are hiding no matter how scary it is. My hair was tied in two braids keeping them in place rather than ruffling and playing along with the cold wind as the scarf around the neck was keeping it warm. I rubbed my hands as the song went on bursting in my ears. I looked down at the boots and rubbed them on one another so the soil tucked on the top of them will wipe away but there was no point in doing it so I just looked ahead at the few men who were going deep inside the river by making a human chain to clean it up. Also in the hope that they might find some small fish to go on with today's meal. The women and men were going to the field. The grass was shining with the droplets of water on them looking as the peals dispersed on the ground.

The fog was covering the woods and the mountains making it impossible to look inside. But still, the long trees managed to peak through it. I could hear the noise made by horse carriage carrying some passengers who were decked up in black and white suits with a black round hat and were peaking through the windows by pulling the small curtain away. They let out the smoke into the air letting it dissolved past them as the carriage moved. I was glad it's not summer though as the dust these carriages and cars leave behind gives me a headache.

I whined when this brat pulled one of my braids back with force and I think I almost sprained my neck in the process. I glared to the side as Emily laughed her heart out after she was satisfied with the look on my face. I took out the headphones and pressed the off button on the walkman. Her loud laughter could be heard from anywhere. I saw some bypassers giving us a smiling look which I returned with a gentle smile. I shoved the walkman into my backpack and put it around me again.

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