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I held Aiden's hand tight into mine as we walked beside Emily and Edmund. We were currently going at Tyler's club where we hoped to find some proofs against Evans. I told Mr Moore whatever I witnessed the other night while he gave me a concerned look while watching my scars closely. Emily was crying uncontrollably while Edmund held her tight and comforted her while patting on her back gently. I felt bad while looking at her and my mother to be very honest as they both were shaken to the core. Dad offered to move out of the Northwood but we can't until this whole thing gets resolved.

Elijah, Tyler or even Mrs Wittnakar didn't confess anything at all. Neither to their crimes nor they said any name or anything as to why they did what they did. They were shut no matter what torture they were going through. I don't understand what is at the stake?

I sighed when Aiden stopped at some distance and looked around the surrounding to scan it and take a cue if someone is hiding anywhere or if anyone is inside the house. I didn't take much efforts to move my head as my neck hurts like shit. My head is banging as well even though I took the medicines. The pain is making it impossible for me to move but I won't let it show. Mom and Dad were reluctant to send me away but I made them understand that it's not safer for me anywhere so it's better if I go out for a bit and take some fresh air rather than staying in that room with some mind-blogging thoughts. I looked up by holding my neck from back. The sky was partly clear as the dark clouds surrounded some part of it. I wish it rains today as maybe it will put my mind to rest. I love rains and the water falling from the sky on the ground giving life to everyone around makes me feel at peace. The air was chilly which was surprising. I looked straight again as the pain forming in the neck was unbearable. I took a few deep breaths.

"Is it hurting?" Emily asked. I moved my gaze to meet her worried eyes. I tried to smile but hurt myself in the process as the scars on my cheek pained sending deep sensations throughout my body. I shivered with immense pain.

"I told you to not come along and instead go home," She said again with slight frustration. I sighed. I understand her but she won't ever understand as to how it feels to stay in that room with fear creeping through your mind with every slight movement.

"Relax, I am fine," I said with a gentle nod. She shook her head in disappointment.

"Faith, you never listen," she said again with a big frown. I sighed again.

"Can we please focus on the task in hand?" I asked with a little annoyance. I want this thing to get over real quick. I can't bear this pain anymore. "It will be over once we catch him," I said and smiled. Edmund and Emily nodded slightly.

"It won't be over by just catching him..." Aiden said in a low voice being in his own thoughts. I frowned hearing him. What is it now? Does he know something more?

"What?" Edmund asked looking confused. I and Emily had the same expressions by now. Aiden looked at us and his expressions got changed as if reality hit him hard.

"I mean he needs to confess for his crimes, right?" he said sounding suspicious. My frown deepened but I didn't say anything.

"Yes, but I am sure he will. We just need to find some solid proofs which are against him," Edmund said. Emily nodded. I remained in my own thoughts thinking about what possibly he meant when he said those words. Why wouldn't it be enough if we catch Evans? Isn't he the main thing we need right at the moment?

"Faith," Aiden's voice brought me back to present and I looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"I am not going back. I won't," I said making my voice louder with the same frown. Aiden chucked hearing me.

"You don't have to be. I don't even want you to leave," he said to my surprise. Okay! That wasn't the thing I expected him to say.

"Huh?" I asked being confused. He sighed and held my hand tighter.

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