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I don't know what Aiden did there but Tyler took the blame on him saying they were the ones to attack Aiden first and to save himself he counterattacked them. No one questioned anything further and Aiden was out of any kind of suspicion. Elijah and Tyler are pretty famous for attacking people without any reason so no one actually questioned further as they have much more issues to handle. Biggest being Elijah himself but just they don't know yet. 

Aiden went straight to his house along with Edmund and I haven't met him yet. I just got to talk to him for a brief moment but that's all. No one thankfully in my house suspected me for anything and have been behaving normally so that's another huge relief for me. But I have decided to see him today. I have already called Edmund and Emily and they said that they will meet me directly at his home. I hurriedly put my black stocking and dress on. I let my hair loose putting a bow on them. I then put the coat on and side bag around my shoulder as I ran downstairs taking my umbrella along. 

Mom and dad were sitting in the living area. Mom offered me breakfast but I assured her I will have at Aiden's. She didn't say anything over that but just gave me a teasing smile which I rubbed off. She wouldn't have been the same if she knew what I did last night. Mr Dorris gave me a bright smile and opened the back door for me. I was going to take my cycle but I am scared that Elijah or Tyler would find me and kill me. So Mr Dorris was a much better option. He took the usual route through the town on my insistence rather than taking some hilly road to freak me out. The town breeze felt good and refreshing. The everyday rush was visible as people were trying to sell their goods. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I felt a little relaxed seeing the people around working normally. Mr Dorris took a round of the fountain and took the turn. As I was looking out of the window, I saw Mrs Wittnakar along with Mr Evans. The look on Mrs Wittnakar's face said they were arguing over something as she looked pissed. The car took the turn to the opposite side and those two started to get away from me. I turned into my seat to look at them through the window but they just kept on getting farther from me. I let out a sigh and looked ahead by sitting straight. Why were they meeting? Is it regarding yesterday night? Or something else? 

But if it was regarding the case then why are they meeting outside? That too just two of them? Is something going on between them or it is related to something all different? 

I was pushed hard against the seat when Mr Dorris pulled the breaks outside Wright mansion. I gave him a thankful smile and got out of the car. He asked me to call at home whenever I want to go back as he will be going back in case dad or mom want to go out anywhere. I gave him a nod and smile as he drove off taking the circle. I looked back at the wide-open door and ran inside without wasting another moment. I was greeted by a few helpers on the way who knew me ever since my childhood. I gave my biggest smile to them and made my way directly towards Aiden's room by hopping on the stairs. I didn't see Mr or Mrs Wright anywhere around. 

I opened the door wide without bothering to knock on it and saw Aiden sitting on his study table. He was taken aback by the sudden movement but relaxed his posture when he spotted me. He got up from the chair with a small smile. I closed the door behind and rushed into his arms holding him tighter and closer. He chuckled and moved his hand from my hair as his other hand kept me closer to him.

"I am so sorry. It happened because of me. I didn't want to but I don't know what happened. I just was afraid that he might do something to you so that came in a reflex. I would...." I pulled away from the hug and started blurring out everything without even thinking. I just wanted to let out everything at once. Aiden had a small smile playing on his lips as he looked at me.

"Relax. Will you?" he said and held my arms, "I know your intentions, Faith." I let out a deep sigh not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry," he said again and pecked on my forehead.

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