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I sipped on the coffee keeping my eyes out of the window. The rain was falling outside which was not new but it was getting heavier. I rubbed my gloves covered hands on each other keeping the cup down. Emily sat beside me with bated breaths. She clearly looked nervous no matter what she says. Aiden had his gaze stern which made me worry for many reasons. Edmund was nervous which he didn't hide. That's what I love the most about him. He is transparent. What he feels is what he shows. There is no other side to it.

So, we are in the restaurant right around the corner of Mrs Wittnakar's house. As planned Aiden came to pick me up after lunch hour. Dad who got discharged just today morning looked happy when Aiden said he will be taking me out a bit to get some fresh air. Though the look on Aiden's face said how bad and guilty he felt lying to my father but he got no option as he is stuck in between. But if we get caught today by anyone then I don't know what is going to happen later. It scares me more than breaking into someone's empty house. Emily and Edmund met us at this cafe we are sitting as they took half day leave as well from school. I didn't ask them the reason as I got no time from listening to Aiden's plan.

But I was glad to see none of the three in school uniform. It wouldn't have looked good either. Why we are not planning to execute the plan after school? Because her son will be home. Besides, according to Aiden, her working hours gets over around the same time as well. She likes to spend more of her time with her only son so she just works when he is not around that means school hours. She was currently at home for lunch but she will go back in some time so here we are waiting for her to leave.

Mrs Wittnakar lives with her son who is junior to us at school. She is basically in her late 30s or something. She works in Mr Wright's law firm. I don't know anything about her husband as I said before but I have heard he lives in the city for work. I haven't seen him around in the town ever.

I envy him that he is away from this messed town. I just sometimes feel like running away from here but then I can't leave these people behind. I need them along with me. My hands involuntarily moved to my neck as I pulled my scarf closer to my neck so my red marks can't be seen by anyone. The whole incident still haunts me but I'm trying my best to put up a strong act telling people how brave I am. I just coped up with that killer and still, I am here to break into the house of one of the suspect. Either way, I have the possibility of getting killed by whoever he is so why should I fear? I might be being selfish but if that killer knows about me then he definitely knows about them as well. So they are no safe either. It's better if we just end this whole thing for good and I hope we will.

I don't know why but my mind started drifting to Mr Gracias and the last time I saw him. Lying on the floor with the look of terror in his eyes. I shivered at that thought when Emily put her hand on mine. I looked at her as she gave me a gentle smile. Just when something strokes in my mind.

"Aiden," I said remembering something all of sudden. I don't know why did I leave that detail. My mind is screwed and I need to get together before I get totally screwed.

Aiden looked at me along with Emily and Edmund. They all had questions in their eyes. I know these three are just doing this for me and I do feel bad but I know at the same time that I can't go alone so I am just left with this. Dragging them along with me.

"I forgot to tell one thing about Mr Gracias," I said as they three paid all attention towards me.

"What is it?" Aiden asked carefully but his gaze wandered outside in between so Mrs Wittnakar won't go away.

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