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His ocean blue orbs met mine when I looked back at him sitting on the front bench. He gave me a small smile and moved his gaze to the boy sitting beside him. I let out a sigh and looked ahead concentrating on the lecture going on.

I met Aiden first when I came here to Northwood for the first time in the winter of the 1960s. Dad always wanted to start his own business so when the opportunity came he couldn't say no and that's how we ended up being here. It was hard to get settled in the small town leaving the comforts of the city. I was so used to seeing the cars and horse rides that walking miles came out as a little tough for me. I never went to school before coming here so I didn't have any friends.

After my mom left me, I started fearing my life. I used to see here in the corridors of my old house and in my bedroom doing my sheets or smiling at me. Dad consulted me to some doctors but it was of no use. It's only after coming to Northwood, I was able to get over that trauma as per dad says. I still had difficulty adjusting to slow life here but it was calming.

Aiden came out as a rescue for me and became my companion. His ocean blue eyes held a lot of secrets and I loved it when his dark black hair moved when we ran into the woods. We had our hideout deep inside the forest where no one would be able to reach us. When the things would fall apart for me I would run to him. He would hear me and console me. We would play on the banks of the river which connected this beautiful town with the mountains behind. Those mountains felt like they held some deep secrets with them. I never had the courage to go closer to them. Something about them didn't feel right. Aiden used to tell me the haunted stories which surpassed the town now and then and it will scare me to the death but at last of each he would laugh out at me making me feel at ease. He was so comforting and warm. The years passed and we got closer. Closer than we ever were.

I was moved out of my thoughts when Emily poked me from beside. I let out a sigh seeing our teacher. I moved my gaze outside at the falling rain while playing with my bow tie as Mrs. Goel kept on talking with her never-ending talks of philosophy. My mind was too occupied with the events happening for the past few days in our little town and neighborhood. Aiden has now added to those worries.

I let out another sigh when the bell rang telling the end of the lecture. I grabbed my books and adjusted my skirt as I got up from my seat. I put my long loose ginger-colored hairs behind the ears.

"Oh god, I am so hungry. Let's grab a bite?" Emily asked taking her backpack.

Emily and I met when I joined school and was lost in the corridors. Aiden left me for his game and I was left alone to find my first class. I was panicking as I didn't want to get late on the very first day but I managed when she showed me the way. Luckily she had the same class which made me feel even better and since then we have been inseparable. I always complained of not having any siblings but she filled that vacate for me.

She liked my ginger-colored hair and light green eyes. She said she haven't seen that combination yet in this town. There truly were no ginger heads in this small town making me stand out from everyone. I don't know if it a good thing but people just looked at my hair and asked if I belong from the Anderson family. I share my hair color with my birth mom and eye color with my dad.

But Emily is beautiful and makes me envy her a few times. The way her blonde curls move when she walks or the way her light-grey eyes shine with excitement when she says something exciting. The way she makes head turns in the corridor every time we walk. But not just her appearance but even her soul is beautiful.

"You go ahead. I have got some stuff to take care of." I said and moved my gaze towards Aiden who threw his arms around one of his newfound friends and made a way out of the classroom.

The Diary Of A Redhead | #WIA2020Where stories live. Discover now