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The whole week has been over and I did nothing but to stay back at home and rest. Sure I invested my time in studying this time and focusing on the new collection of books my mom had in her library. Dad and Mom were at home for the whole week too as they both were equally freaked out and in pain because of all the events happened in the past. I didn't even make any attempt to look at anything related to the murderer or anything related to him. I just wanted everything to be normal but I don't know till when.

I lost my favourite boots because Aiden took them to throw away. Why? Because Mr Moore found three footprints in the house and we were scared that he might point at us or do some digging. But he didn't go beyond it as Dad specifically told him that I am in trauma and not to disturb me. He also disclosed about my past traumatic incidents after mom and Emily successfully convinced him as well. So he focused on just the main man who was present in the house apart from us. Tyler!

Aiden was pretty stubborn saying Tyler is not the person who did the murders which I might agree as well. He is just a few years older to us and doesn't look psycho. I mean not the killer type psycho. He is more as in mad type psycho. If I compare the two persons together, the one in the window and my room and then the other one Tyler then those two look quite different to me. The man in the window was bulkier and aged. That was the main reason I didn't fight back with Aiden's statement about Tyler not being the culprit. So there is someone else. But why was Tyler at the house of Mrs Wittnakar? I asked the same doubt to Aiden and he asked me to stay out of it as always and I did it this time willingly. Because everything was just too much for me to take.

It took a toll on my health badly. I have started having nightmares much often. I freak out even to smallest sounds. Last time I saw some helper in the corridor and started panicking and shouting. It took a lot of time for mom and dad to calm me. The doctor has prescribed me medicines but I don't know if my panic attacks would go that easily so I am willingly staying out of all the mess.

I have missed the whole week at school but Aiden, Edmund and Emily made sure to drop at home every day and keep me updated with stuff so I can study those topics at home. I wouldn't have been grateful. Mr and Mrs Wright as well as Moore drop by a couple of times to check on us. Evans came off to ask us questions about both incidences and we provided him with all the things we knew.

But the killer is surprisingly quiet after my encounter with Tyler in Mrs Wittnakar's house. It makes me think that Tyler is actually involved in everything and Aiden is wrong all along but one thing is sure that Aiden knows something which makes him so confident in Tyler. I don't know if he will ever share that with us as he always just asks us to stay out of everything.

I let out a sigh thinking of stopping my thought process for good and getting ready for the night. Mr and Mrs Wright have invited us over for dinner. Dad and mom were reluctant with the recent events but Wright's made them change their minds by saying it will be a good change for all of us three to divert our minds.

I looked at my face in the mirror. The swell was gone but the marks were still there alone with the slight redness. I look terrific for sure. I don't want to go to Aiden's house looking like this. I wish mom and dad would cancel this plan but I don't know. I applied a few things to fix my face but it just doesn't look good. I threw the brush on the dressing table at the front not being convinced by how I look. The tears started gathering in my eyes. I don't want to go!

Surprisingly, I am comfortable enough when he comes to my house to meet me. Sure I try to hide my face from everyone being a bit reluctant even though no one has ever made any comments regarding it. As for Aiden, he is my best friend before being my boyfriend and have known me since forever but I still don't want him or anyone to see me like this. It scares me what they might be thinking by looking at my face. It makes me conscious. I have never been like this but I don't know what is happening lately.

The Diary Of A Redhead | #WIA2020Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ