Chapter 45 - Why are you always so difficult

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You guys I can't rn 😭 I looked at the categories I'm in and omg this book got so much more recognition than I thought it would! I posted for fun not thinking anyone would find me let alone fall in love with my characters and the world. I'm at 15k and I'm forgetting how to breathe!

Thank you so much I love you all!

I'll stop being all emotional now snsnjejw ENJOY don't forget to vote and comment I love hearing from you all!


Kendal screams in shock as Tyler plants another bone-cracking right hook to Ethan's face. I rush over to her pulling her out of the way to safety.

"TY STOP!" I shout over Kendal I would try stopping it yet she clung to me holding me in place. Ethan manages to scramble free of Tyler's grip rubbing his bleeding nose onto his sleeve.

"Don't ever fucking talk about her like that ever again or you'll get a lot worse than that. I promise you." Tyler warned him, eyes burning with rage eyes a dark pine green, his voice low enough to scare the strongest of people.

Ethan's lip curled in hatred, I tried helping Kendal to her feet her entire body shaking with fear. "You okay? Anything hurt?" I ask her she shakes her head weakly.

"Just my heart" she mumbled I kept my arm around her as she stood Ty turned back making his way towards us when the idiot opened his mouth again, stopping Ty in his tracks.

"You think you're all that don't you? All because you throw a few punches my way? Ha mate your a joke! We all think your a joke put me in your position and I wouldn't have been kidnapped like a pussy ass bitch like you really are!"

Tyler's fingers curled into a fist, jaw tightening lips pressed together, I look up at him with pleading eyes. "Say it to my fucking face" he growls out spinning on his heel looming over Ethan.

"You're just a pussy ass bitch" he hissed before they both lunged at each other. 'For fuck sake' I think to myself rolling my eyes at them.

"Both of you STOP" I shout unhooking my arm from Kendal I make my way towards them to break the fight up yet she yanks me back.

"Are you crazy? You've got no chance!" she cries I huff looking back at her.

"I thought it was already established that I'm a psycho?" she pleads me with her eyes just as I'm about to turn back a thunderous voice travels across the field we look over to see coach charging over.

"BOYS! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON HERE PACK IT IN!" He roars as Ethan right hooks Tyler across the face climbing on top of him. He grabs a fistful of his shirt planting another punch on his face, I cry out rushing over, Coach pulls Ethan off pinning him to the floor whilst I skid down to Tyler who groans in pain.

"Omg what the fuck is wrong with you. You absolute idiot!" I snap at him before hugging his head. He chuckles before wincing slightly, I let go of him as he sits up touching his cut lip he hissed in pain.

"Calm down!" Coach snapped at Ethan who pushed himself away breathing heavily. "Someone is going to explain to me what the hell I going on! Before I take you all to the principle who I promise you will most likely suspend your asses!" He looks between us all.

Kendal with a tear-stained face shaking, me holding Tyler on the floor a few cuts decorating his face and a bloody nose and finally Ethan hunched over bloodied fists and face with a large black eye. Coaches nostrils flared with frustration "You three go, Anderson, I'll talk to you later. Ethan your with me."

"WHA- that's not fair!"

"Do not test me, son! MOVE NOW!" We jump into action glancing between one another shocked he was letting us go. 

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