Chapter 41 - Mom & Dad

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Ok but that title reminds me of the song - I'm sorry mom and dad I know I messed up bad...

Yeah that's a depressing song but Yr 8 me (I think 13?) was very depressed and lonely listening to nightcore rip lmao ON WITH THE STORY

"I've decided I'm going to do it tonight" I speak up finally as Dr. Lang smiles up at me.

"Is this to do with Tyler or Emily and Mark?" She asks me I smile slightly.

"Emily and Mark" she looks at me pleased.

"That's wonderful Bailey I'm sure they'll be over the moon, are you feeling okay about it?" I let out a nervous laugh glancing down at my feet.

"I'm shitting bricks, shit sorry language." I smiled sheepishly let's hope Porcupine doesn't want me around her kid if she has it, I'm incapable of watching my language.

"That's completely natural it is a big moment for you all, but I can tell you without a doubt this family of yours will not reject you." I suck in a breath nodding. "How is everything else with Tyler have you managed to speak to him and tell him how you feel now that you can?" She inquires. Can? More like mentally able to finally utter 3 important words to him.

I hate you. Kidding! Heh.

"I tried to this week; ask him to talk that is. However, he left before I could then there was this other drama. He hasn't been to school all week." I frown thinking back on Kendall and what Max said.

"Always so mysterious! What other drama is everything okay?" I internally roll my eyes. Of course how could I forget I have to actually go into detail and chatter away like Ashley. I hate it.

"It's nothing to do with me really just Porcupine- ah um Kendall the girl Ethan cheated on me with- came up to me begging me to speak with her and apologising it was- weird, turns out she was pregnant and trusted me." My voice raises in amusement and disbelief at that point like really me of all people? "I joined her to the hospital to confirm it and she is. That's it" I shrug. She hasn't been to school either maybe she has that morning sickness.

"That is very kind of you Bailey I can see real progress in you, despite everything that's happened between you two, you were able to push it aside and see she really needed help and you were there." I hold back my snort. I wouldn't stretch it that far! I was mainly just curious but I guess now I care a little. ONLY a little.

"Is there anything else before we wrap up our session?" She asks tilting her head to the side as my mind drifts to Max's worry about Tyler. "Nope! That's all" Already getting up grabbing my things, her eyes squinted for a second studying me.

"Okay well good luck I'll see you next time." I wave to her rushing down the stairs stomach grumbling god I need Popeyes or something. I think to myself as I reach outside pausing Ashley's car nowhere in sight. I frown pulling out my phone to call her when a car horn sounds. I look up to see a rare sight of Luke smiling over at me, I run over jumping on him he catches me.

"Omg It's been forever!" I cry he chuckles hugging me tightly for a few moments before placing me down on the ground. He'd been gone for an entire week winning football games with school so had Jake and Sam, which is probably who Ashley went to see.

"It was only a week. I missed you too" I gasp dramatically. "Are you admitting you care about me? Not only do I get a smile but this? You spoil me!" I smirk as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Yeah yeah get in the rover" I salute. " Aye aye captain." He groans opening his door making me chuckle as I walk around, climbing in the passenger seat with great effort.

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