Chapter 26- Hideaway

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I was currently hiding away in my room blinds all the way down, curtains closed. Wrapped up in my blanket sitting on the chair in the corner of my room, reading at book.

I was proud of myself for standing up to my 'mother' yet I was so shaken up when I got home Mark and Emily decided it was best I took today off. They don't know anything about her, no one does really except Dr. Lang who I told a few this about her.

What they don't know is she has a way of finding out anything or finding anyone. I've never understood just how she does it but she does and that's all that matters. I can promise her one thing, one day I'm going to tell my story and she's getting locked away for good if it's the last thing I do.

Mark had asked for a description so if he sees her he could do something about it or keep an eye her. I did one better by giving him the only picture I had of her, shocking myself I could even stand to own one of her.

My phone continued to buzz everyone's names popping up on my phone asking me where I was and if everything was okay. Sighing in frustration I picked it up putting it on do not disturb.

It was only 11 and I was extremely bored despite the fact my brain was ticking away trying to figure my mother out wondering if she'd of left. Probably not.

Walking downstairs I closed the curtains stroking Cooper "You'll protect me right buddy?" He tilted his head at me before licking my hand. "I mean your a cops dog, sure you will....."

I looked down at my arm the bruise of her hand extremely evident, from where she'd grabbed me.

Sighing, I opened the freezer pulling out a tub of ice cream before grabbing some M&Ms someone unfortunately for them left on the side, before plodding into the living room. Throwing a blanket around me I scrolled through Netflix throwing on a random film to pass my time.

Pouring the M&Ms into the ice cream scooping some out shoving it in my mouth. Today's going to take forever!


I froze as I heard a car pull up and chatter of people. Peeking out I groaned as I saw the whole gang slowly getting out of their cars. Turning the tv off I grabbed my things running into my room closing the door swiftly locking it as I heard the downstairs one open. Letting out a small sigh of relief I clambered onto my bed putting the ice cream on the side.

"Bailey? You home?" Ashley's voice echoed throughout the house. She didn't know, only Emily and Mark after I begged them to keep it to themselves. I couldn't face them all and act as though I was perfectly fine.

I had to push them away so my mother didn't think they cared about me or that I cared about anyone. If she believes I don't care about anyone she won't hurt them to get to me, I have no idea what she's truly capable of.

I jumped as a knock sounded at me door. "B? You in?" Ashley asked me once again trying the door, loudly huffing to the fact it was locked. "She here?" Jenna's voice called from downstairs.

"I don't know, doors locked but it only locks from inside." Her voice trailed off as she walked back down. "Just leave her be then." Sams voice echoed through the house as I sigh. Thank you Sam!

Slipping on my headphones I sat back listening to music eating ice cream, ignoring everyone who knocked at my door falling asleep at some point.


I flew awake screaming at a new nightmare the sound of my mother's laugh echoing in my head. I was currently curled up in the corner of my room gasping for air when the door was kicked open Mark flying in a bat in his hands.

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