Chapter 3- Someone say spaghetti for breakfast?

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I snap awake at 5:30 getting out of my bed I quickly made it my routine wired in my head.
I shove on some socks grabbing my phone I walk downstairs, the house eerily quiet.

Walking into the kitchen Cooper looks up at me from his bed. Turning the light on. I start looking through all the cupboards. Finally finding the right one I memorise where the glasses are. I pour myself some water and open the microwave to see spaghetti and a note with my name on it.

Shrugging my shoulders I warm it up deciding spaghetti would be a decent breakfast. Throwing the meatballs to Cooper I sit down at the island.

I shove the plate in the sink checking my phone as I hear a knock upstairs. 6:30. Frowning i poke my head out of the kitchen to see Emily wide eyed running down the stairs. I lean against the door way with an amused expression as she runs past me opening the door looking out shouting my name.

Smirking at her I hold back a laugh. "Yeah?" She jumps making me smirk harder. Throwing her hand to her chest.

"I thought you left! Your bed was made and its so early! Did you even sleep in your bed?" She exclaimed calming herself down.

"I wake up early habit. I did I just made it." Shrugging I go into the kitchen to clean my plate. In juvie you had to get up, dressed and have your bed made for 6am.

"What time did you get up?" She questioned making herself coffee.

"5:30" she coughed catching my attention.

"5:30! You my dear are not like any teen I've met before." I dried my hands sitting down.

"It was mandatory in juvie you had to get up early and make sure everything was clean or you'd get written up." I shrugged grabbing the coffee she handed me. She frowned.

"Well I hope you know you can sleep in when you don't have school but the clean rooms appreciated" sipping her coffee she looked around.

"Did you eat spaghetti for breakfast?" She asked confused. I nodded finishing my cup. I was a fast drinker. She laughed slightly. Excusing myself I headed upstairs getting in the shower.

I got out frowning in the mirror realising soon my hair dye would completely wash out and I'm not sure theses guys will let me keep dying it.

Walking out towel wrapped around me I see Ashley jumping up and down doing a little wee dance. I smirked at her.

"You ok there?" Shaking her head her face screwed up.

"No! You take ages! Move please I'm going to freaking burst!" She squeaked as I stepped out of the way. Slamming the door shut. I shook my head going into my room to get changed.

Slipping on some black ripped dungarees, a black and dark green stripped top and my grey hoodie which had a leather jacket attached to it. I quickly did my make up doing a purple and black eye look with my usual eyeliner and lipstick.

I turn in my chair as my door opens and Ashley walking in also dressed. "Hey we're all meeting at Bo's Diner you coming?" I nodded.

"Wait! Can I ask you something real quick?" She nodded waiting expectantly.

"What do they know about me like have you told them anything?" I ask hoping to god she says no.

"No I haven't I figured it's your business" I sigh in relief giving her a grateful look. I get up to follow her out but first shoving a couple bucks in my pocket.

"I'm going to warn you a lot of people from school hang out here, we'll all tell you about the people there though." I nod. Great school drama and cliques.

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