Chapter 36 - Breaking down

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I storm through town my breathing erratic, heart beating fast. I could feel the cold sweats begin but I was exposed to the people's eyes. Tears streamed down my face, endlessly.

I really thought he was going to hit me? As the first flash back hit me I doubled over feeling sick.

A loud slam echoed "LEE YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

I whimpered looking up to see people staring at me I flung myself into an ally sliding down the wall crumpling into a ball. As the sobs wracked through me. I thought the worst of them were over. This was worse than the time I was finally sober in rehab after the-


A trucks horn sounded the last thing I saw was two bright lights colliding into Alex.

I snapped out of it screaming digging my hands into my head.
"No no no no pleeaasseee no!-"

"Mummy NOOO!" I screamed grasping for air looking around, I was back in the alley. Fuck! I tried taking short calming breaths but it just turned into hyperventilation.


"Need help?" I asked kindly to the old man struggling to carry his bags.

"Why thank you. Who are you?" He asked handing one to me as he struggled to get the key into his apartment door.

"B- Bailey I live downstairs, below you." I shrugged skipping in after him pausing my ribs aching. The old man frowned placing his bags down.

"Is that a guitar!?" I asked astonished racing over to it picking it up. "Oh be careful!" He raised his voice making me instantly place it back down.

"I- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I just- I've always wanted to play! - please don't hit me!" I cried backing away to the door.

"I would never, its ok please you want something to eat? I can teach you." He smiled warmly. I paused nibbling on my lip, the truth was I was starving. So I shuffled in sitting down.

"What do you want?"

"M&Ms? Oh please tell me you have some?" He chuckled. "How about some real food first. Then your guitar lesson, sound good?" I nodded furiously.

My breathing calmed down, I wiped my tears soaking my sleeves. I brushed my hair out of my face resting it back. Please not him.

(9 years old)

I tiptoed across the floor looking back as I reached the door to see my mom passed out and my dad was out. Reaching up I unlocked the door and closed it behind me. Grinning I ran upstairs knocking frantically on Henry's door.

A few moments later he opened it, a frown on his face noticing he new bruises that littered my body. "I'm ready for my lesson! I- I wanna show A-lex an-and LOLA!" I gasped each word out filled with excitement.

He moved aside forcing a smile on his face. I rushed in seeing he already made my sandwich with a side of M&Ms on the side I grabbed them thanking him and moved to the guitar.

By the time I was done he was sat down. "How about you play today and I listen, I'm not feeling too good." He suggested I nodded pulling the guitar across my lap still too small to hold it properly.

I began playing getting lost in my little world.

"Lee!" I heard her shrill scream echo through the floorboards. I froze, the wrong chord echoing through the small apartment.

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