Chapter 9- Wounds opened, Fists flown, sirens sounded

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Yes there's going to be a mature scenes in my books if you don't like them I'm going to be putting '*' when it starts and finishes!

I walked back in when it started getting dark. "Hey you ok?" Freya asked me I nodded looking at the tv the show still on. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Sitting next to Jake.

"Ok I want a revote I'm not watching this shit." I said sharply. Catching everyone's attention. Jenna shrugged "who wants to keep watching this?" Jenna and Freya put their hands up.

"Oh come on guys!" Freya said.
"Yh who doesn't want to watch a programme filled with kids more fucked up than us?" Jenna put bluntly.

"Us 4." I said tightly putting my hand out for the remote narrowing my eyes at her. She rolled eyes passing it too me. Smirking in victory. I shoved on Dude.

The film ended and we all went up to bed. Well I'm pretty sure Sam and Ashley weren't going to sleep due to the looks  they were giving each other. I got to the bottom of the stairs  Jake whispering in my ear. "Dibs the room you can find another one"

I smirked at him. "No." He raised an eyebrow. "No? I bagged it though." He pouted.

"First one there gets it." I shouted shoving him running up the stairs. He reached me but missed causing me to stumble. I throw myself in the room groaning grabbing my boobs.

I didn't think that would hurt so much! "Dammit! Why are you so fast." Jake helped me up I shrugged.

"I'm smaller than you less to carry." He looked me up and down. "No goodnight Jake." He pouted winking at me. "Night B." I walked inside. Getting rid of my make up and shoving on a large top. I climbed into bed setting an alarm just in case.


I snap awake to a small knock at the door. Frowning I look at the alarm. 1 am. Who the... oh hell no! I climb out opening the door wincing at the light outside in the hall.

I look up to see a Jake smiling at me. "I couldn't sleep.." I roll my eyes and let him in. Quietly shutting the door locking it so no one would walk in on us in the morning and question why we were in the same bed.

"I'm tired Jake." I said simply crawling back into bed. He joined me. "So am I..." he got comfy and I looked at him. Why is everyone here super good looking?

"It's not happening." He grinned at me tracing my legs.
"I know." I faced away from him throwing the covers over me.

He sighed loudly moving. I looked over to see him facing away from me.


What the hell. I sat up, pulling him towards me straddling his hips. He smirked up at me. "Shut it." I said flatly he nodded his head putting his finger to his lips.

Smiling at the idiot I grabbed his face slowly kissing him.


We both groan loudly as my alarm goes off. Jake snuggles his head into my boobs making me giggle. I felt him frown and look up. "Your not a pillow." I grin at him and his amazing morning voice.

"Your right." He reaches over turning my alarm off. "Why the hell is your alarm going off at 5:30?" He plops back down on a pillow pulling me on top of him.

"I get up early that's all." He brushed my hair back staring at me. "Your tiny." I scoff. "No I'm not your just tall and built, so I seem it." He does his usually lopsided grin.

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