Chapter 15- Not the Dumpling!

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I wake up no nightmares and no crying baby smiling I climb out of bed and take a long shower. I've been having them more often and today was the day I didn't and I was going to enjoy the most of it.

Wednesday Tyler left school at lunch to go to the park and make more memories with Tailey. But it was awful, the thing wouldn't shut up, Cooper tried eating her so Tyler had to distract him whilst I had to deal with the screaming doll.

Earning looks from everyone there, sure is a memory.

After a while, I climb out of bed walking into my room I get dressed slipping on some nike shorts and a large yellow top on over it.

Walking downstairs, I give cooper cuddles and grab a breakfast bar, and a few snacks before walking into the living room watching tv.

I allow cooper up next to me even though Emily is adamant on him not being aloud on the couch. I mean he's too adorable to say no to!

Finishing my food I run to the kitchen shoving it in the sink then heading upstairs to brush my teeth. Frowning as my phone rings downstairs, rushing down them I jump on the couch jolting cooper awake as I press answer.


"Hey!" Ashley's voice sounds through.

"Are you breaking the rules and calling me? who are you?"

"Ha ha it's lunch and we are all coming over after cause everyone misses you!" I smile as I hear everyone talking in the background mostly Jake and Freya arguing about childish things.

"Ah ok is that it or..."

"Yh one sec, guys I'll be right back!" I hear her tell them voices in the background fading until it was silent.

"Ok so there's an issue, major issue." I panicked slightly.

"What?is everything ok? Is it to do with any of the gang?" I asked her but she shushed me.

"Breathe B ok?"

"Ok ok breathing!" I say sighing ruffling Coopers fur.

"Ok so um Freya kinda sorta pulled me and Jenna aside and um..."  she paused trailing off.

"What?" My heart racing with mild panic.

"Freyakisoralkjsha" I frowned.

"What? I didn't understand a thing." She sighed deeply.

"I um said Freya kinda sort of really kinda likes Jake and she has for a long time but hasn't told anyone about it till now...." At that moment my heart dropped. Oh god.

No no no no no. Fuck!

"Bailey?" Her voice called with worry.
"I'm such a bitch!" I scoffed in disbelief feeling awful.

"You didn't know! None of us did." I shake my head despite her not being able to see me.

"No... god I always know how to fuck things up don't I? Omg you can even see he cares about her! I've messed things up haven't I?" Putting the phone on speaker I place it next to me shoving my head in my hands.

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