Chapter 23 - Training

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Hey guys! How are y'all?
Enjoy this chapter don't forget to comment and tell me what you think!


"Hey!" Ashley yelled jumping on top of me pulling back the duvet which covered my face.

"Ugh What?" I groaned brushing the hair out of my face. Shoving her off me sitting up, rubbing my eyes with a yawn.

"Morning to you too! Just a question party tonight you in?" She ask already looking through my wardrobe pulling out a few old dresses of mine waving them about wiggling her eyebrows.

"I guess." She squealed jumping up and down throwing a dress at me. "Great!" She sang As she skipped out. Great another party. I climbed out of bed stretching I picked up the dress, didn't even know I had this.

Making my bed, I walked into the bathroom taking a long warm shower. Eventually deciding to leave I walk into my room fishing out some comfy clothes, that would do.

Slipping On my top, I hear a knock at the door and Mark calling my name. Frowning I walk out of the room to quickly spin back picking up Tailey as I rushed down the stairs to see Mark blocking the doorway talking to someone.

"What is it?" He turned around to reveal Tyler stood their a smirk on his face. Ugh this guy and his stupid smirk. "Uh Hi?" I said In confusion.

"Tyler here was just telling me that your trying out for the track team? Why haven't we heard of this?" He asked me as I gave Tyler a look for telling them.

"It's not by choice really Mr.Hart is trying to give me a better chance! Into getting into college or whatever." I explained using jazz hands.

"Well that's great! You see new opportunities an-" he pauses as he sees the look I'm giving him as all three of us awkwardly stand in the doorway. "All I'm saying is this is great and so your best I'll leave you two to it.... oh, if your going upstairs, door. open." He explains before walking off.

I turn to face Tyler's smug face as he lean on the door. "What do you want?"

"Nice to see you too Shortie! Our try outs are Thursday so I thought we should get ready, because I'm assuming you aren't exactly the most fit" I cut him off with a scoff.

"What makes you think that?" I exclaimed he gave me a pointed look whilst I cross my arms raising my eyebrow.

He sighed clapping his hands. "Ok! All I'm saying is how often do you go out for a run or do something other than chill at home eating your beloved M&M's." I scowled at him knowing he was right.

"It's a perfectly fine way of living life." He nodded.

"Well yeah , But you gotta get ready for it, plus I haven't played Soccer in a while, so I also need to train." I groaned motioning him to follow me as he closed the door behind him, following me upstairs.

We entered my room and I shoved Tailey in his arms as he laid back in my bed. "You really know how to make yourself at home don't you?" He grinned at me shrugging as Mark walked past opening the already half way open door, checking the room before going downstairs.

I chuckled shaking my head, he's unbelievable. "I hope he understands nothings going to happen between us ever." I muttered sitting on the bed.

"You sure about that Shortie? I mean I know you can't resist me, obviously." He said cockily motioning to himself as I snorted shaking my head.

"Ok then, what's the plan?" I brushed him off stretching.

"Well you change now get Ashley to look after Tailey, we can go for a run and I'm going to be your evil trainer." I stared at him blankly for a moment before sighing with a nod.

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