Chapter 10 - Locked up or Free?

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Jake place me on the counter inside the outside toilets. I wrapped my arms around my legs shaking and snivelling. He grabbed a tissue wiping my face. He frowned looking down at me. "Got any wipes?" I shrugged handing him my bag he dug through it. Finding my wipes from this morning.

He wiped my ruined makeup off. Wrapping his warm, strong arms around me and kissed my forehead. "What did you do B....." he murmured into my neck. I sighed.

"I- it's my mother.... she's just fucked me up so much .. I-I- I snap. I hate that name she gave me I hate what it meant when she said it. I hate that it meant she'd reappeared home after months with strange men and- fuck!" I held onto his t-shirt probably ruining it.

He rubbed comforting circles on my back. "What did Ashley mean by you fucked up? Will your social worker take you back?" I took a shaky breathe looking into his eyes in conflict.

"I don't know... Mark might get rid of me. He might not but officially it's not up to him.... if they want me back they'll take me... I can't go back." I cried referring to Juvie but I think Jake assumed I was talking about foster care which I didn't mind right now. Not fully ready to tell him.

"Shh it's ok I'll fight for you, we all will." I smiled up at him.

"You're too good. I'll just fuck you up I'm surrounded by chaos." I whispered looking at him. He frowned. "Maybe I like chaos" he tried lightening the mood.

I stared at him. "I'm being serious... I don't want to ruin you because of my messed up life and head." He grabbed my face making me look at him.

"I'm telling you that you won't. I'm not letting you push me or anyone away ok? Even if what's going on between us isn't serious I still care about you and love you as a friend even if I've known you for a week because you are amazing and beautiful and a great friend who will risk everything she has to stick up for someone." He tells me bringing up Jenna and the fight. He smiles warmly at me making my heart swell.

I smiled back at him wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him. A few tears slipping from my eyes. "Thank you.." I whispered he pulled away kissing my forehead. "You've got to face the music now B just remember we are behind you." He helped me down. I looked in the mirror.

"I look like shit." He smiles at me. "You could never." I quickly put some concealer , eyeliner and lipstick on. Following Jake out. I hugged Ashley fiercely whispering my apologies. Soon everyone joins in. I pushed them away patting my hair down laughing slightly.

"Well shit!" They all sadly laugh with me. "B we want you to know that even though we haven't known you for long we all fucking love you." Jenna said tearing up. I smiled sadly at them frowning as the principle came out with a Holly and sirens were head from the distance. She pointed at me the principal looking at me fiercely. The bad boy trio walking over as well frowning.

"Ms. Ford Stay right there!" I look at Ashley nodding at her. "Think now might be a good time to fill them in on a tiny bit sis." She smiled tearing up as I called her that nodding fastly.

A police car screeched halting in the parking lot running up to me. The trio sprinted up to us demanding what was going on. The officers grabbed me handcuffing me from behind.

"You have a right to remain silent although I'm sure you know how this goes Ms. Ford I'm sure the others will be happy to see you again." The familiar officer from my old town spoke to me. I smiled sadly.

"I'm sure they will." They all looked at me sadly. Ash crying into Sam. The rest yelling at the principle and officers demanding what he was on about and what was going on.

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