Chapter 28 - Porcupine

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter don't forget to comment because I love what you have to say as long as it isn't mean 😬 and plz vote 🌟


I entered the house after my jog, yes I know what a shock that me of all people jogs now. But coach told us what he would be doing to train us and I realised how unfit I am. Closing the door behind me, my steps faltered as Ashley stood there at the bottom of the steps arms crossed, eyebrows raised.

"Um Hi?"

"Don't Hi me." She narrowed her eyes, I shuffled my feet. "Well?" Her foot tapped away impatiently.

"Well what?" She scoffed at me before throwing her hands about. "You! Having a date? Tonight!" She shouted at me as I looked at her sheepishly.

"It's just a date can I shower now?" She stared at me in shock. "When is it?" I sighed walking past her putting my stuff away as she followed me. "6... I think."

"You think?" I thought about it for a moment still completely unsure. "Yh 6... definitely." She nodded. "Fine get a shower I'm helping you get ready, pamper day!" She squealed as I stopped her.

"It's 2?" I asked in confusion. "And?! Get a shower I'll be right back!" With that she ran away.

I made my way to the shower as she ran past, flying down the stairs slamming the front door behind her. "Er Bye?" I said to myself deciding to take a long shower.

Before climbing out as I heard Ashley run back upstairs. "Hurry up B!"

This is going to be so much fun! I thought rolling my eyes.


"Okay this is great! I'll do your hair and you do your makeup, please don't do it so dark." She begged me shoving me onto my seat whilst I frowned rubbing my face.

"Ash, my face still hurts from that evil mask, can you chill I don't even know if I like this guy!" I told her as she groaned sitting on my desk.

"Ok one it was a charcoal mask, they always hurt and two surely you like him a bit since you said yes." I sucked on my gum, in all honesty I said yes because I didn't like the awkwardness that grew between us at tryouts.

I won't deny the fact he was good looking, and charming with the grin he sent, but I wasn't sure if I liked him I mean it's all about personality and I don't know him.

"I guess maybe a little bit, why do I have to put in all this effort!" I groaned rummaging through my makeup. "Because I say so now please don't suddenly move whilst I curl your hair." She instructed me, brushing my hair.

After about an hour of her snapping at me every time I moved forwards to my mirror she finally finished. Combing through it going crazy with hairspray from a distance sending me into a coughing fit. But at least I now had beach wavy hair.

With a knock at the door she jumped with a scream, causing me to wince looking at her in shock. Throwing herself to the window she eagerly looked back "Omg is that him?!" She asked me wide eyed as I gave her a weird look slipping on my jeans.

"Describe him and I'll tell you." I told her in amusement as she peeled through the curtains like a crazy person. "Tall, really floppy black hair which looks nicer than mine, I'm guessing brown eyes also casually dressed which seems you are doing that as-well." I chuckled at her shaking my head.

She sure is something. "Yep that's Ethan." I told her slipping on my white of the shoulder top on. "Then What are you doing? Go!" She said whilst already rushing down the door opening it her cheery voice echoing through the house.

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