Chapter 32- What he doesnt know wont hurt.

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Knocking twice I stand there awkwardly, no movement could be heard. Being impatient I knocked again. "Mom I'm fine. Ok?" Tyler's gruff voice sounded from through the door.

"Not your mom. Can I come in?" I called at first there was silence then a large amount shuffling, before the door swung open with a shocking view of Tyler.

I cranked my head up to see a not so good Tyler, with large dark circles under his droopy eyes, with a damp looking chest and forehead. I instantly frowned, it was a familiar sight of me when I'd look in the mirror after my nightmares.

I thought it was his brother who had them?

"What are you doing here?" He asked me his voice deeper and more gruff than usual.
"I came to talk to you... can I come in?" I eyed he being extremely attentive trying to think of any other reason why he looks like this.

Did he lie to me? .... Then why? does Ty have nightmares? Questions racked my mind as he sighed side stepping letting me in. I walked in noticing how depressing his room looked.

"Geez ever heard of the sun?" I commented instantly drawing his curtains, opening a window trying to get rid of the smell. "Did someone die in here?" My slight OCD took over as I moved things around cleaning up a bit.

Next thing I knew Tyler was grabbing my wrists throwing the hoodies out of my hand into the corner of the room. I frowned looking over at them, they really need to be hung up...

"I thought you said you wanted to talk not suddenly become my mom." There was a small amount of amusement in his tone but I could tell something was clearly off with him.

"W- I did but.. how can you live in this mess?" I asked him baffled as his lips twitched looking around the room.

"Easily actually. It's not that bad." Not that bad?! If I left my cell this dirty... god I couldn't begin to fathom what Officer Callahan would punish me with.

I opened my mouth to argue back with him but stopped myself. Bailey you came here for a reason. I squeezed my eyes shut racking my mind for what I wanted to say before looking back up at him.

"Right. I came here to ask about the fight." He rolled his eyes at me letting my wrists go, he walked away to the corner of his room sitting behind a drum set he leaned back twiddling a drumstick.

"Go on then. Tell me how hurt your precious boyfriend is and everything that's wrong with me and why the hell in the world did we start fighting or bring up whatever most likely a lie from your boyfriend said of why we fought." He went on as I looked at him in disbelief.

"Really? Ugh do not piss me off in the few minutes that I genuinely want to try and talk to you in." I groaned at him as he resorted to a half arsed expression seemingly not caring what so ever.

"Look all I want to know is why. Ethan didn't say shit and I'm sorry for thinking that I deserve a god damn answer than stupid accusations towards me even though I've done nothing wrong." I took a moment before I worked myself up and got angry.

He gave me a questioning look now some resemblance of a caring look on his face as he got up and walked over to me towering above me like usual.

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