Chapter 8- More than Friends?

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My eyes fluttered open my face scrunching up to the banging headache I had. Groaning slightly i stretch stopping as I felt a hard body behind me.

My eyebrows furrowed to the arm around my waist. I turn around to see Jake asleep. I looked down under the covers realising we were both very much naked. Shit shit what have I done!

I quickly remember last night I quickly facepalmed myself. I sat up rubbing my eyes. He groaned next to me stretching opening his eyes. His hand went to his head he looked down and seemed confused. He then looked at me and blinked a few times.

Realising I was naked his eyes widened and looked down to see he was also naked. His hands went to his face.

"Shit did we omg we did." I nodded. "That was my exact reaction." I laid back down making sure the covers were wrapped around me.

"Yep all coming back to me now." He murmured his morning voice making my heart flutter slightly.

"It was good though." I stated making him look down at me I smiled softly at him. My usual defences not up yet since it was the morning. He smiled at me too.

"Yeah? It was wasn't it." He murmured and he hesitatingly kissed me on the lips. I snuggled up to him still super tired.

"What time is it?" I yawned into his chest. "Uhh 6?" He brushed my hair back. "So your hair was dyed I owe Freya 10 bucks." He murmured.

"You bet on my hair?" I looked up at him. He nodded. Why is everyone making a big deal about it? It's just hair guys!
"I thought it was natural but I guess not I like it better this way though, suits you more." His deep voice croaked.

"What are we going to do then? About us I mean?" He looked down at me.
"I- im not really looking for a relationship J.... i- I...- not after the last one...if you understand." To my surprise he smiled softly at me.

"No I get it so we don't let the gang know what happened then." I nodded slowly.
"If that's ok with you?" He nodded. "It's fine." I smiled at him and he kissed me again. Leaning out of bed he shoved on his boxers.

"Awh I was enjoying the view" I pouted as he looked back at me mischievously. He reached down handing me my panties and the hoodie he gave me last night.

"As much as I enjoy your body B I think you should cover up." I smirked at him sitting up pulling the hoodie over my head. Tugging it down on my body. I look up to him watching me.

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Wanna take a picture." I joked he gave me a pointed look as he threw on some joggers.

"We both know you'd kill me if I actually did." He climbed back into bed as I slipped my panties back on.

"Let's go back to bed." He grabbed me yanking me back down. I laughed softly. "Sounds like a plan."

I quickly fell back asleep to Jake tracing circles on my hip outlining my tattoo. Maybe this could work after all... I thought happily drifting into my sleep.

I jolted awake to the door being knocked on Sams voice echoing through it. "Who Evers in there get up we're getting food it's 2!" I rolled me eyes.

Staring at a peaceful Jake sleeping. "I know I'm handsome and all but stop staring it's creepy." I shoved him gently in the stomach making him open his eyes grinning.

"More adorable." He pouted . "I'm not adorable you are I'm the irresistible sexy one." I gave him a look blushing slightly at his compliment.

"Sam says they're making food." He nods stretching. I watch biting my lip at his muscles flexing. I climb over him walking into the bathroom I cringe.

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