Chapter 31 - Idiots all around

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It was Friday. I had to get through this day  and I could relax for a week. Ever since Tuesday I hadn't been acting the same and everyone knew it.

"Are you sure your okay?" Ashley asked me as we walked over to the group which now fully included the trio. "Yes I'm sure. Please stop worrying about me." I begged her one final time as she pursed her lips together nodding.

"B have you ever been to an amusement park?" Max suddenly asked me as we joined, everyone's eyes on me.

"No." I stated as they looked at me wide eyed. "Never?" He shouted in shock as I gave him a curious look.

"Why is it common for people to of gone?" I asked as he shrugged everyone else nodding. "Well now we know what we're doing in the weeks off!" He exclaimed pulling me into a side hug.

"I thought you've lived a life, as you put it?" Jenna asked me as my cheeks went redder but I didn't think anyone noticed.

"I- I have.... just not like been there done that kind of thing" I muttered my life was more raced whilst drunk, yep done drugs, yep had extreme party benders with my 'friends' yes and more things I'm too ashamed to admit.

"Ok ok what about the Zoo?" Freya asked me now interested as I slowly shook my head as Ashley gave me a sad look earning a glare from me. A knowing look Luke sent my way.

"Beach?" Sam asked as my eyes flickered to Tyler. I nodded "Only once though." I explained earning a small smirk from Tyler.

"Why are you all finding this so interesting?" I asked, "it's just most people have gone to them that's all." They told me.

"Well as you all know I'm not most people." They hummed in agreement probably thinking of other things.

"Where exactly have you been Shortie?" I sighed crossing my arms with a shrug thinking about it. "Sailsbury, the beach and here." I told them. It's not like I had money or time to travel or the ability to escape my so called family.

"Not even family camping trip or abroad?" Jenna asked as I let out a sour chuckle, shaking my head. Family road trip to the hospital because my mother overdosed?

"Not all of us have the happy family life, where when we are little our parents take us on a mini camping trip Jenna" I told her bitterly. Yet the bitter wasn't directed to her it was to my past.

She frowned nodding, the bell rang and I cursed under my breath, that's it whatever books are in my bag are coming with me I am not bothered today. Health was first and I knew this seen as Tyler was directing me away.

"So are you telling me I was the amazing sexy guy that took you to the beach for the first time?" He asked me as I scoffed at his ego.

"You mean the guy that kidnapped me with a baby and thought a dog was aloud at the Zoo so resorted to the first thing he could think of then sure you were the first." He smirked down at me as we sat down.

"You didn't deny I'm amazing and sexy." He cooed causing my eyes to roll. "You know I'm surprised they haven't rolled into the back of your head the amount of times you roll them at me." He remarked as I gave him a sweet smile.

"It's just the effect you have on me." i smiled sweetly at him. He grinned the usual glint in his intense green eyes.

"If you were any other person you'd be swooning at the fact I even acknowledged you." He told me cockily as I let out a dry laugh.

"You mean the 'Omg Tyler Parks is sooo hot I'm going to throw myself at him like every other girl in the school knowing full well he doesn't date!" I cried out dramatically impersonating one of the many girls I'd come across asking me if I just talked to him.
He chuckled shaking his head at me as I instantly went back to being myself. "Yes personally don't see what the big deal is about, I mean all I see is this Asshat who is so clearly obsessed with me." I smirked pointing at myself.

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